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Pour la première fois au monde, contemplez ce magnifique ballet de milliers de raies jaillissant hors de l’eau. C’est un phénomène exceptionnel auquel a assisté une équipe de la chaîne National Geographic. Les membres du groupe ont filmé un fabuleux spectacle de milliers de raies sautant hors de l’eau. Un évènement d’autant plus fantastique qu’il n’a jamais été observé auparavant. Une équipe de réalisation de National Geographic a capturé en vidéo ce magnifique ballet de raies, appelées diables de mer méditerranéens.

C’est un banc composé de plusieurs milliers d’individus qui a été observé près de la côte de Baja California au Mexique. Personne ne sait pourquoi autant de raies se sont ainsi regroupées et pourquoi elles se sont mises à crever la surface de l’eau, comme si elles s’amusaient à sauter le plus haut possible. Nous sommes tombés sous le charme de ces raies s’élevant dans les airs, elles nous ont offert une prestation à couper le souffle. Bravo aux chercheurs qui ont réussi à filmer cette merveilleuse danse aquatique et aérienne. President Nixon: The moving speech that would have delivered if Apollo 11 astronauts could not return.

By James Nye Published: 04:22 GMT, 26 August 2012 | Updated: 13:00 GMT, 26 August 2012 Amid the triumphant success of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's successful moon-walk in July 1969, NASA and President Richard Nixon's White House breathed a heavy sigh of relief that he didn't have to deliver a speech to the nation entitled 'In Event of Moon Disaster'. The speech and a memo were prepared in the event that the two Apollo 11 astronauts did not manage to reconnect with their command module piloted by Michael Collins and could not return safely home to Earth. The memo laid out a list of instructions for President Nixon, among which was the tragic task of calling the 'widows-to-be' to express condolences and then to deliver a moving and thoughtful speech to the United States and ultimately the watching world. The memo prepared for President Richard Nixon in the event that the Apollo 11 Moon mission had gone terribly wrong The memo was drafted by Nixon's chief of Staff, H.R.

5 Incredible Sensory Superpowers You Didn't Know You Have. Fiction loves to explore the crazy idea of humans having some kind of magical "sixth sense" (like in that Bruce Willis movie, The Fifth Element) but that's kind of silly, considering how we barely use the senses we have. We've mentioned before that your body is chock full of "extra" senses that you don't even realize you're using -- amazing tools granted to us by evolution that we now largely ignore.

Science is just now beginning to uncover the human brain's almost supernatural ability to gather information about the world, and has found ... #5. You Can Sense Whether a Smile Is Fake ... Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images Warning: Knowing the following may ruin every future social interaction. You've probably heard statistics about how more than 90 percent of communication is nonverbal, and you've heard stories about people who can detect lies with perfect accuracy, due to microscopic twitches in the other person's face.

Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.comJust try not to overthink it. #4. . #3. Humanity's Greeting To Alien Civilizations. Our Knowledge, Progress, And Culture Condensed Into 127 Images, On A Golden Record Aboard The Voyager Spacecraft. March 19, 2014 | 1 Comment | Topics: Interesting If the human race manages to kill itself, this is the only thing other life in the universe will be know about us. This would be the imprint we leave on the entire universe Hot Stories Around The Web Friends Of Caveman Circus. First Ever Aerial Footage of Uncontacted Amazon Tribe. Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce | Talk Video. Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness | Talk Video. THE SAGAN SERIES (part 1) - The Frontier Is Everywhere. Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning | Talk Video.

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