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Super Obvious Secrets That I Wish They’d Teach In Art School at Phil McAndrew Illustrations & Comics. I get a lot of emails from illustration students and young cartoonists. Sometimes they ask to interview me for a class assignment, sometimes they’re recent graduates looking for advice on how to transition from art student to professional illustrator/cartoonist. I get emails asking about how I promote my work, how to “break into” illustration or comics, how to find clients, how to gain a following on the internet, etc. I usually laugh a little as I read all these emails because I myself am still really struggling to make ends meet as a full time illustrator and cartoonist.

I’m still figuring out what works and what doesn’t. But things are definitely improving and getting easier, slowly but steadily. I understand the daunting feeling that comes with the end of college or the decision to leave a day job and take those first steps towards a career as an illustrator or cartoonist, having gone through it myself not that long ago. Creativity is a muscle. Again, creativity is a muscle. Wow! Real Time Chat With NodeJS, and ExpressJS. NodeJS gives me the ability to write back-end code in one of my favorite languages: JavaScript.

It's the perfect technology for building real time applications. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to build a web chat application, using ExpressJS and . Setup Environment Of course, the first thing to do is get NodeJS installed on your system. If you are a Windows or Mac user, you can visit and download the installer.

If you instead prefer Linux, I'd suggest that you refer to this link . Once you have NodeJS installed, you’re ready to setup the needed instruments. ExpressJS – this will manage the server and the response to the user Jade – template engine – allows for real time communication between the front-end and back-end Continuing on, within an empty directory, create a package.json file with the following content. By using the console (under Windows – command prompt), navigate to your folder and execute: Developing the Backend to: Developing the Front-end. The Linux Firewall. There are several firewall applications for Linux, but what you may not realize is that, at the heart of all these programs is a single all-mighty application that is built right into the Linux Kernel: iptables.

This is the Linux firewall. No matter which program you use to configure your firewall under Linux, it ultimately all comes down to iptables. All that these other programs do is configure it. So, here comes the question: if those programs simply configure iptables, why not simply configure it directly yourself? Networking Background If you’re familiar with networking terms, like connections, IP, TCP, and Port, then feel free to skip ahead to the next step. Please note that the terms and definitions below have been intentionally over-simplified. TCP/IP is a protocol that allows computers to communicate with one another over Internet and Ethernet Networks. Failure is the last resort. Each network communication is bound to a specific port . Gateway & Bridge Definition of a Firewall. Web development tutorials, from beginner to advanced | Nettuts+

Facelessuser/ApplySyntax. Commanding Your Text Editor | Free PeepCode Blog. The process of writing code is much different from the process of editing code. It’s easy to confuse the two since they both involve mashing buttons on a keyboard while staring at a computer screen. Vim users know this already. Their editor works in two completely different ways depending on whether they are adding new words to a document or changing existing words.

They also know that there’s more to text editing than moving around with the arrow keys and selecting one letter at a time. Delete whole words (before and after the cursor) Create a newline and put the cursor there (above or below) Search in a file Switch files Indent code automatically Use completion 1. Steve Yegge writes that it’s much faster to delete an entire word and retype it than it is to navigate to and correct a single letter (see his post on Effective Emacs ). There’s not much else to say here: learn to delete the word before the cursor and the word after the cursor. Mac OS X Delete next word: Vim 2. Textmate 3. 4. ScriptKit - Drag and Drop Programming for iPad. 10 Tips for Learning a New Technology.

The Homely Mutt. Now that Sparrow is effectively dead many of its users will be looking for a new email client. If you’re not afraid of the terminal you may want to give Mutt a try. Sparrow: dead: Mutt certainly isn’t the prettiest email client around, and its setup/configuration process is one of the ugliest out there. But once you get it set up it’s got a lot of advantages over many other email clients. In this post I’ll show you how to set up Mutt on OS X like I do. How I Use Email This setup is going to be specific to the way I work with email. My email setup is tailored around those requirements, so that’s what it does best. In particular, extending this setup to work with multiple email accounts wouldn’t be too much trouble. Other Guides and Resources I’ve used a lot of other guides to figure out how to get this giant Rube Goldberg machine of an email client working. Whew! Dr. Bunsen / Explorations in Unix. Introduction Few tools are more indispensable to my work than Unix.

Manipulating data into different formats, performing transformations, and conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) is the lingua franca of data science. The coffers of Unix hold many simple tools, which by themselves are powerful, but when chained together facilitate complex data manipulations. Unix’s use of functional composition eliminates much of the tedious boilerplate of I/0 and text parsing found in scripting languages.

This design creates a simple and succinct interface for manipulating data and a foundation upon which custom tools can be built. Although languages like R and Python are invaluable for data analysis, I find Unix to be superior in many scenarios for quick and simple data cleaning, idea prototyping, and understanding data. Inspect Reshape Enumerate Describe Visualize Inspect $ (head -5; tail -5) < data I use this so frequently, I’ve created a shell function for this command. Reshape Enumerate Describe. Tab Dump - It’s been a long while since I posted anything here, so for lack of a better topic, here’s a list of the 47 tabs currently open in my browser.

Mint - Site visit statistics for my sites Google Calendar - Sibylle and I make use of Google calendar every single day Google Drive - Use to be Google Docs. Zsh Workshop: The Directory Stack. Zsh has an internal directory stack. This is a facility that can help you manage working in many different direcotries throughout your zsh login session. Directories get placed onto the directory stack with the pushd command. Directories get removed from the stack with popd . The stack can be viewed or rebuilt with the dirs command. dirs To view the contents of the stack, simply enter the dirs -v command. ( dirs with no arguments will work, but the output can get obnoxious and unreadable).

> dirs -v 0 /etc/mail 1 /var 2 /tmp 3 /usr/local 4 /usr 5 ~ > If you would like to rebuild the stack from scratch, use dirs followed by a list of directory names. Removes all entries from stack places all arguments on the stack, starting with the rightmost argument pushes $PWD onto the top of the stack > echo $PWD /tmp > dirs /usr/local/ews /usr/local /usr /var /var/log $HOME > dirs -v 0 /tmp 1 /usr/local/ews 2 /usr/local 3 /usr 4 /var 5 /var/log 6 ~ > popd Behavior: pushd 1st form: pushd [arg]

A practical stack language: Two things every Unix developer should know. Unix programming can be tricky. There are many subtleties many developers are not aware of. In this post, I will describe just two of them... my favorite Unix quirks, if you will. Interruptible system calls On Unix, any system call which blocks can potentially fail with an errno of EINTR, which indicates that the caller must retry the system call. The EINTR error can be raised at any time for any reason, so essentially every I/O operation on a Unix system must be prepared to handle this error properly. Surprisingly to some, this includes the C standard library functions such as fread(), fwrite(), and so on.

For example, if you are writing a network server, then most of the time, you want to ignore the SIGPIPE signal which is raised when the client closes its end of a socket. A commonly-held belief is that setting the SA_RESTART flag with the sigaction() system call means that if that signal is delivered, system calls are restarted for you and EINTR doesn't need to be handled. Unix How-To: Tricks for Working with Filenames. July 14, 2010, 6:00 AM — In this week's column, I answer two readers' questions about working with Unix filenames. One asks how to easily remove all files in a directory except those that match a particular pattern.

The other asks how to force the names of files to be all lowercase. The answers may be easier than you think. [ See also: Unix Commands to Try When You're Bored ] A reader recently asked me "How do I remove all files in a directory except those that end in a particular suffix, such as .c? ". Not hard given a little Unix know how, but there are several ways to exempt files from your Unix commands.

The first trick that comes to mind is using the find command with its special not (!) $ find . I threw in the "-type f" clause to ensure that the command would not try to remove directories and generate errors. If you don't want the file removing operation to work on subdirectories, you can stop it using the -maxdepth option. . $ find. . #! Multithreading - Multi-threaded BASH programming - generalized method. Linux’ pushd | ikariusBlog.