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5 Techniques for Enhancing Contrast in Digital Photos. A Post By: Darren Rowse This post on enhancing contrast in digital photos was submitted by Leeroy Gribbon whose photoblog ( we recently featured here at DPS as Photoblog of the Week.

5 Techniques for Enhancing Contrast in Digital Photos

I’m a sucker for good contrast in a photo. Curvy Cross Processing in Photoshop CS3. This tutorial describes one of my favorite techniques for ‘spicing’ up a photograph. This method is adapted from the color darkroom of old. In those days, innovative photographers often processed film in a chemical solution intended for another type of film. For instance, they might process color slide film in C-41 chemicals. The result yielded a most unusual shift in color, which created a very retro look. To recreate this technique using the computer is both easy and fun. RetouchPRO. Photoshop & Design Tutorials » Photo Retouching - Skin.