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Do It 101 Leather Working Links Leather Working Projects and Patterns. <div class='message error'><strong>Javascript Disabled Detected</strong><p>You currently have javascript disabled.

Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. </p></div><br /> Cute, Retro, & Vintage-Style Women's Dresses. On the hunt for cute dresses?

Cute, Retro, & Vintage-Style Women's Dresses

Today's your lucky day! Whether you seek party dresses or casual dresses in bright hues or classic neutrals, you're sure to find a vintage-style or indie dress to treasure from our great selection of cute dresses. Looking for the perfect party frock for a birthday fete, school dance, or special occasion? Choose from our amazing variety of cute dresses, including ret...More. Urban Renewal by Mari Santos.

We're usually kinda "meh" about most T-shirt surgeries because we're just can't get into the hack'em, slash'em sartorial school of thought.

Urban Renewal by Mari Santos

Toronto-based Mari Santos, on the other hand, is such a genius with a pair of scissors we want to hitchhike across the border, kidnap her, head back south, and then set her to work against her will on the oversize T-shirts we seem to get for free by the pound. Except that it would probably be illegal. Which is kind of a bummer. MTL: Dandy Striper Dress - The Sew Weekly Sewing Blog & Vintage Fashion Community.