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Lady Lubyanka | Food, Floggage, And Rubber Chickens – Celebrating the Spleen. BDSM Weblog » Service Tops. Monday, January 25th, 2010 I made a post discussing whether giving oral sex is a dominant or submissive activity. A concept somewhat related to this, which I’ve been mulling over lately, is that of “service tops.” This is a term that means a top that is in service to their bottom, doing exactly what the bottom wants, and nothing else — allowing the bottom to “top from the bottom,” as they say.

It’s generally used in a derogatory manner (in my personal experience, anyway). I’d like to examine the concept a bit more. What exactly does it mean to be a service top? Do you get as much pleasure or more from erotically exciting your partner as from your own enjoyment of the sexual act? And then a bit later it goes on to say that it’s well and good to have fantasies about truly nonconsensual activities, but “what separates the civilized from the uncivilized is how tight a leash we keep on [those fantasies].”

So to come back to the question: what’s the difference between a top and a service top? From Under The Desk. The Rose Garden. Mistress Little Miss Kiss's Humiliation Hades. Ramblings of a kajira. Jake's Blog.