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Jane Jensen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio by Jane Jensen. If we get to $400K: We’ll add a longer, fully cinematic opening sequence / trailer that will blow you away and help us get people lining up to buy the game, setting the tone for this new Pinkerton Road series. PLUS Moebius on LINUX! If we get to $450K: All the above, plus an extra 1000 lines of dialogue to flush out the game and we’ll record the main theme with a live orchestra (Bob is drooling over that one). We Can Do It With Your Help!! Pour voir les vidéos sous-titrées en français : 1) This campaign is for two new adventure games from Jane Jensen, the creator behind Gabriel Knight and Gray Matter adventure games (as well as King's Quest VI). 3) The first game we are creating is Moebius! 5) We need your help.

It’s official! Moebius -- The Original Concept Art: AGENTS OF SMERSH - A Spy, Storytelling Board Game by JASON MAXWELL. If you would like an extra set of dice, sure you can help us defray costs by another $10. Or for another set of entire KS rewards! Just send a note with your increase. CURRENTLY AT APPROX 100 PLEDGES (of 100 needed) FOR ENGRAVED DICE. I've received a ton of emails wanting the Engraved Dice and it doesn't look like we will reach 100k. "Agents of SMERSH is unlike any other game out there . . . and the best spy adventure game I've ever played. *New Review* I am honestly humbled by game designer Frank Branham's glowing review. The initial print run will most likely cost around 35k and that won't even include paying the artists. 30k. The Bonus Character Card - Agent Zyler - starts out with a Probed by Aliens Status Card.

Yes, this is an expensive game. Simply paying a writer for 500-1000 hours of work would be a huge expensive for them. There are 2 ways to play AGENTS OF SMERSH. Please Note: The initial print of The Book of Encounters will be very limited. Kickstarter Rewards? Conquest Tactics - A Strategy Card Game of Fantasy Warfare by Zeitgeyser LLC. The time has come for you to lead your chosen forces into battle in Conquest Tactics, a new Strategy Card Game. Choose your Victory Conditions and your Base, assemble your Troops and march them across the battlefield. Teach them Spells and Skills to use each turn, and empower them with Equipment. Bend fate in your favor with Circumstance cards, and claim powerful relics as your Trophies. Vanquish your enemies by using real strategy, movement and range to your advantage.

Never before has a card game given you this much control and this level of strategic choice. Conquest Tactics is played on a grid battlefield, which allows you to visualize the battle in a less abstract way. Rather than pursue a single goal, Conquest Tactics has several different Victory Conditions that can be achieved in order to win. Each army in Conquest Tactics has its own types of troops. When your Troops can't get by on courage alone, give them Equipment to better their chances of survival. How we began. Code Hero: A Game That Teaches You To Make Games by Alex Peake. Code Hero's ultimate and most challenging feature to create is multiplayer. For this to be achievable, this Kickstarter cannot rest till the countdown strikes zero! Spreading the word to new backers and telling your backer friends you're upping your pledge level if you want awesomer rewards are both good ways to encourage growth!

READ MORE ABOUT ADDING MULTIPLAYER AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPREADING THE WORD TODAY When you pledge, you get immediate access to create your account and download the Code Hero game beta. You can try it today and tell your friends to pledge to get their accounts and help fund the development of the full game. To move a platform down, shoot hitObject.transform.position.y-=2; Enter the World of Code as a Primer Labs Game Tester and enroll in the mysterious Gamebridge Unityversity to learn enough to challenge FizzBoss!

FizzBoss is the first test of your code knowledge combining the Javascript and Unity game programming that you learn. PETITIONERS WELCOME. Sira the Game by Arsenic Playground. Hi there! We are Arsenic Playground. And we’re safe to play! We’re in an elevator, and the team’s got a PITCH. You got 5 seconds? Sira is a first-person puzzle game set during a solar apocalypse that revolves around avoiding sunlight while navigating in the shade. The roads are treacherous, but you must brave them. “By Jove!” But enough about us mincing buzzwords and dumping adjectives. But you can save us! What we are making is going to be free to play, and we have planned for it to be episodic.

“All right, Tony. Anyway, the details are available for your perusal on the right. Remember: the rewards are CUMULATIVE! We’ve tried to keep it brief so far. In a matter of centuries, the face of the world was changed. From the scattered survivors, a prophet emerges with a holy message for the last of humankind and begins amassing followers. *Images are without Production Lighting* Far away from the front lines of this conflict, another battle begins. After all is said and done... Grim Dawn by Crate Entertainment. Kickstarter is almost over but the action will be picking up on the Grim Dawn forums so please visit us!

If you missed out on the KS but still want to contribute or if you wanted a reward that you weren't able to get, we'll be putting up our pre-order system on the Grim Dawn website within the next few weeks. Some rewards may not be available though and physical rewards will only be available until we send the orders to be manufactured. We're not sure yet when that will happen but we'll keep you updated on the forums. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen! Crate loves you! Update #14: Grim Dawn passes $400k + New melee combat video! We pledge to contribute 5% of our profits from the sale of the game to other promising game projects on Kickstarter and elsewhere. Update #13: The Grim Dawn Kickstarter ends this Friday! Update #11: THE FINAL WEEK! Update #10: 100% Funding achievement unlocked! Update #9: New music track "Lonely Moon" posted!

Grim Dawn will: Be DRM free! The Crate Team.