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Make Simple, Beautiful Garden Fences and Trellises. Whether you call them suckers, water sprouts or stump twigs, chances are you have a pretty low opinion of the long, skinny branches that grow from tree stumps or inhabit ditches and fencerows. But wait — instead of resenting woody whips that insist on regrowing year after year, why not turn them into an asset? Armed with an active imagination and a lopping pruner, you can transform green sticks into pretty trellises, fence panels and plant supports. These simple structures are easy to make, cost practically nothing, and give your garden a handcrafted look. Indeed, once you get the hang of making things with bent and woven wood, you might find yourself wanting to grow these useful branches on purpose.

This is not a new idea. Historical Wattle Work English wattle fences were historically made from willow or hazel wood, both of which are flexible by nature. Lee gathers her willow branches in the fall and keeps them in her root cellar, tied into bundles, through winter. Make Garden Wickets. 4D Concepts Folding Desk  Cappuccino Study with Pull-Out Desk  Winsome Kendall Computer Desk  Sauder Laurel Canyon Office Collection  Catalog. Scandinavian Designs - Desks - Bellmar Desk- Cherry. Employing America - Careers Articles - StumbleUpon.