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How To Make Beeswax Candles - Easy, Healthy and Affordable! - MommypotamusMommypotamus. A Faint Honey Scent . . . Golden glow and long burn time are just the beginning of a handmade beeswax candle’s charm. Unlike paraffin candles (which release carcinogens like toluene and benzene into the air) and their soy counterparts (which are often derived from GMOs), beeswax candles actually draw toxins out of the air with their cheerful flame as while you knead sourdough in the kitchen, sip wine in the tub or make shadow puppets on the wall. No really! According to this article: “Beeswax releases negative ions when it burns.

Beeswax candles effectively reduce [the symptoms of] asthma, allergies, and hay fever by drawing pollutants out of the air.” Now, are you ready for the best part? But First, A Few Considerations . . . Because beeswax candles are slow burning, they require thicker, sturdier wicks than what is used for paraffin candles. Keep in mind that the way a wick burns will vary based on many factors, including the size of the container and how refined the beeswax is.