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FileSystemRights Enumeration (System.Security.AccessControl) This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. .NET Framework (current version) Defines the access rights to use when creating access and audit rules. [FlagsAttribute] public enum FileSystemRights The FileSystemRights enumeration specifies which file system actions are allowed for a particular user account and which file system actions are audited for a particular user account. This enumeration contains several granular system rights values and several values that are a combination of those granular values. It is easier to use the combination values such as FullControl, Read, and Write, rather than specifying each component value separately. The following code example uses the FileSystemRights enumeration to specify an access rule and then remove the access rule from a file. .NET Framework Available since 2.0.

Directory Security and Access Rules - Damir Dobric Posts - Static void Main(string[] args){ string dir = @"C:\Temp\ACLTEST"; AuthorizationRuleCollection rules; DirectorySecurity dirSec = Directory.GetAccessControl(dir); // Gets the list of all access-rules of the specified folder. rules = dirSec.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(NTAccount)); // Enumerates all access rules set on the specified folder. foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in rules) { Console.WriteLine("......................... "); } // // Removes access rules for account 'Everyone' if such // rules exists. foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in rules) { if (rule.IdentityReference.Value == "Everyone") dirSec.RemoveAccessRule(rule); } // Create the identity reference for account 'Everyone'. // Creates the new rule for account 'Everyone'. // Permissions are propagated to Folders, Subfolders and items.

DirSec.AddAccessRule(sbbNetRule); DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir); dInfo.SetAccessControl(dirSec); } Managing File System ACLs With PowerShell. Adjusting permissions on thousands of folders and files can be a time consuming process -- unless you use PowerShell to automate it. Here's how you can change existing ACLs using PowerShell. A big time drain for any IT professional that manages file servers is managing permissions on files and folders. Users have individual home folders, departments have department folders, projects have folders and so on.

For some reason your company doesn't think it's a good idea for everyone to have access to all of the files in these folders. MORE: PowerShell Tips & Tricks Changing permissions on a single folder is a cinch with the GUI. The problem arises when you've got thousands of folders to change. I hope you didn't just say you'd wear out your mouse making this happen because we're not using our mouse here, sorry.

Changing ACLs For Folders And Files To change access control lists (ACLs) for a folder or a file requires three phases: Getting the current ACL.Modifying the ACL. Great!