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Kanaka Management Services Private Limit

Consultancy and project development has been a part of our DNA since 2004. We are working as a team since 2004 and formally established this organization in the year 2007. We started our operations on the premise that there is a better and meaningful way to deliver to the clients, industry and society at large. Climate change is a real danger to this planet and it is our collective responsibility to address and work towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. Our website is not aiming to show too much of text explaining theories, news and stories to read. Rather we focus on what one should know to navigate in the complex world of climate protection related services and solutions, with an aim of results based outcomes which benefit stake holders, project owners, governments and our planet at large. We work hard to understand the client businesses and projects, ask smart and sometimes challenging questions and bring such appropriate and effective ideas to the client’s table that may not have been considered or thought before. Our ability to draw upon our long years of proven expertise in consultancy, training and project development makes us truly unique and we are able to continuously deliver insights and services that other consultants find difficult to offer. This has been proven on the ground, time and again since last several years. No wonder we have won fifteen prestigious global awards since 2013 for consultancy and project development in CDM, VCS CCB VERRA, SD Vista, GS, REDD+, Plan Vivo, IREC, Sustainability and GHG space. Some of the web links of the award notifications are produced below for immediate reference. Some of the web links shown below may not be working or may have become obsolete.

Trainings capacity building. Management systems consulting 2nd party audits. Ehs consulting and bench marking. Energy audits,energy consulting. Life cycle assessments. Climate bonds advisory. Sustainability reporting,csr foot printing. Nama,indc advisory. IREC & TIGRs. IREC & TIGRs - Kms-group. IREC Standard This is a standard for energy attribute tracking systems that can be easily implemented so that consumers in all regions of the world can have access to internationally recognized, tradable and reliable electricity attribute tracking certificates (RECs).

IREC & TIGRs - Kms-group

We are a Participant and Registrant of IREC Standard. Please contact us today to develop an IREC project or sell IRECs or buy IRECs. TIGRs APX The Tradable Instrument for Global Renewables (TIGR) Registry is an online platform for tracking and trading RECs developed by APX. The Registry enables developers to generate, verify, and sell RECs. Natural Resource Management. Remote Sensing. Socio economic assessments. Bio diversity assessments. Forest Surveys. Joint crediting mechanism , JCM. Unfccc,cdm,consulting. Carbon credit consultant. KMS - UNFCCC CDM/JI Consulting & Project Development. Being one of the oldest consulting and project development team in UNFCCC CDM and GHG projects, we are involved in various CDM projects across the World as a Consultant and Developer since 2005.

KMS - UNFCCC CDM/JI Consulting & Project Development

In general the CDM project development and monetization process cycle consists of the following steps: Review of the project activity and preparation of strategy.Decide whether to register the project as a single standalone CDM Project Activity (CDM PA) or as a CDM Programme of Activities (CDM PoA) where multiple project instances can be included in the PoA at a later stage.Preparation of Project Idea Note.Intense discussions with the project owner to solidify the approach to be followed to accomplish the task of monetization of the carbon and environmental attributes.

At this time generally the crediting period to go for is decided. For CDM Project Activity the crediting period is either for 10 years fixed or 7 years renewed 2 times so that the total project crediting is 21 years. KMS project developers and carbon credit consultant.