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Diet and Nutrition

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Diet & Nutrition. Triathlon Training Diet. Triathlon Training DietEndurance Sports Nutrition In addition to swim, bike and run training, triathletes must also focus on their diet. A healthy triathlon training diet will significantly improve your triathlon performance. An adequate triathlon training diet in terms of quantity and quality, before, during and after training and competition, will maximize your triathlon results. Attention athletes... Ever Wish You Could Perform Athletically Like You Did In Your 20's? Marathon Training Diet & Nutrition. What we shouldn't eat All the bad things you hear about fast foods are true!

Marathon Training Diet & Nutrition

They shouldn’t be part of your triathlon training diet. The amount of saturated fat and low quality carbohydrates in fast foods will not help your training, and in excess will be bad for your overall health. Frozen meals as well have lost a lot of their nutritional value due to the preparation process. 6 Smart Snacks for After Your Workout. Replenish your energy after your workout with these smart protein and carb snack combos.

6 Smart Snacks for After Your Workout

Whether you work up a sweat in the morning or evening, chances are you grab a little bite before you hit the gym. A snack before you work out helps give you energy and stamina to go the distance. But did you know that eating a snack after you work out is even more important? "You want to make sure you feed your body to help repair muscle tissues and replenish glycogen stores [which are depleted after a strenuous workout]," says Kristin Reisinger, MS, RD, a sports nutritionist and competitive figure athlete based in New Jersey.

Here, six top snacks to fuel your body post workout (Reisinger recommends chasing each of these snacks with 8-12 ounces of water).