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Map Coasters. Glittered Swirled Hurricane. Clipboard Makeover. Hello friends!

Clipboard Makeover

Sorry for being MIA for the past week or so. With Hurricane Irene taking away my power and work starting this week things have been a bit crazy! I always feel like once September 1st hits that summer is officially over and as sad as that makes me I am excited for all things Fall. I can’t wait for pumpkin picking, apple cider, football, chili and all the fun crafts that can happen! Speaking of which there are a ton of link parties coming up in September and October which I am very excited to participate in. All I did was lay the paper on top and fold down the edges to give me a crease to cut on.

Like this: Like Loading... Related Craft Storage - Ikea Alex. 20 Mod Podge crafts. Earth Day is upon us!

20 Mod Podge crafts

And you know what that means – time for some awesome recycled crafts. One of the largest categories on this blog is the recycled crafts category – which leads me to believe that all of you love them! The nice thing is that typically recycled crafts fall into the budget category, and with a little Mod Podge on hand, sometimes they are even free. So dig through your trash/recycling bin and then hit the craft stash to see what you have. Then get to decoupaging. Puzzle Piece Magnets It happens to the best of us – we lose puzzle pieces. See how it was done at Inspiring Creations. Picture lampshade. The other day I noticed something about Kaia that wasn’t there a few months ago.

picture lampshade

What is it? My tiny baby girl isn’t really a baby anymore. Homemade tile coasters. Our favorite Christmas gifts we made this year were homemade tile coasters!

homemade tile coasters

(I’m sorry I couldn’t post this up before the holidays so you could make them this year too, but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise for everyone who was getting them for Christmas!) The other gift we made this year was Homemade Pure Vanilla Extract! Also super easy to make and fun to give! These coasters were so easy and fun to make… we made 50 and could have easily made more if we had the supplies! I know we’ll be making them again… I want a bunch more for our house! We used cabinet-door stops for the bottom, because we had easy access to those. Then we wrapped them up in coordinating sets of 4 and tied them with ribbon for gifting! These would also be so cool with pictures on them instead of scrapbook paper.

Collage Art. Paper weight. Today I’m going to show you a super simple paperweight DIY tutorial!

paper weight

If there is one thing in the world that is true about my family, it’s that we know how to have fun. Despite the fact that 5 of us travelled jam packed in my little car for 12 hours and to a funeral no less, we still managed to have fun on our little trek to West Texas. If there is another thing I know that is true, my Poppa wouldn’t have wanted it to be any other way. So here’s the scene. It’s our last night in Odessa, TX and we’ll be heading back to Oklahoma bright and early in the morning. If you’ve never been to a duck pond you have really missed out! Needless to say, the rest of the evening’s pictures went a bit differently than anticipated. For this project you will need: Glass paper weight (I bought mine for 50 cents on clearance at Michael’s) with a removable felt back, ruler, photo, scissors, spray adhesive, felt. STEP 2: Trim up your photo to the approximate size. And Ta-Da! See where I link up. The Magic of Decoupage - Martha Stewart Crafts by Technique.

Decoupage is artistic sleight of hand.

The Magic of Decoupage - Martha Stewart Crafts by Technique

What appears to be a painted design is actually paper, glued in place. What looks like lacquer is just a few coats of clear varnish. And what begins as an unremarkable piece of furniture becomes a bold, modern design statement, when adorned with leaves and vines. You might embellish an armoire with oversize tropical foliage or cover a plain dresser with Victorian botanical prints. Suddenly, that forgettable piece becomes the focus of the room. Early forms of decoupage were seen in 12th-century Asia, but the craft as we know it owes much to the exquisite Oriental lacquerwork so widely admired in seventeenth-century Europe. A similar process, using flowers and other sentimental motifs, was popularized in England, and by the nineteenth century, decorative images were made available for this purpose. Traditionally, decoupage motifs are small in scale; we gave the craft a modern sensibility by focusing on larger, bolder patterns. 1. 2. 3. 4.

DIY paperweights from glass candle holders. Hi!

DIY paperweights from glass candle holders.

It’s Shannon from Madigan Made and today I want to show you a simple and inexpensive project: DIY paperweights. I don’t know about you, but I’m an avid dollar store junkie. Next to the craft store, the dollar store is one of my favorite places for creative inspiration.