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The Policy Governance® Model. [This article was originally published as "Le modèle Policy Governance et les organismes sans but lucratif" in the Canadian journal Gouvernance - revue internationale, Vol. 2, nos. 1, Winter 2001, pp. 30-48. Republication here is by permission of the original publisher.] Over the last decade or two, there has been increasing interest in the composition, conduct, and decision-making of nonprofit governing boards.

The board-staff relationship has been at the center of the discussion, but trustee characteristics, board role in planning and evaluation, committee involvement, fiduciary responsibility, legal liability, and other topics have received their share of attention. Nonprofit boards are not alone, for spirited debate about the nature of business boards has been growing as well. The Nature of Governance and the Need for Theory The Policy Governance model is, at the same time, the most well-known modern theory of governance worldwide and in many cases the least understood. Evaluation. | Exquisite Organization. Barrett Values Centre. 7 Levels of Organisational Consciousness.pdf. Blueprint of WE Collaboration Document.