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Venice — 360cities. Overview and History Do you know why you never like to get out of the bathtub? It's because you wish you were in Venice, that's why. Take one hundred and eighteen salt-marsh islands in the northern Adriatic. Combine them with Roman refugees and a liberal stinking of Visigoth invaders. Shake until well-mixed. Venice is divided into six districts called "Sistieri" in Italian; that word will come in handy when you're floating hither and yon. Beyond these, there's Lido and Mestre. On the west side of the Lagoon is Mestre, which has the airport, the buses, the traffic and basically everything else from modern life that you come to Venice to ignore. How did it get here?

Venice declined in stature from the 15th century. But nevermind that! Real quick -- opera was an Italian invention for combining Greek tragedies with music, theater and spectacle. Pow, zing, wow and instant popularity. Ever been to the movies? Getting There Venice is served by the The Marco Polo Airport. Transportation St. Art Radio WPS1. THE VENETIAN DILEMMA. Map of Venezia.