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Atelier Hypermédia. /* mots clés : programmation, interactivité, générativité, mobilité, jeu, réseau, protocoles, résistance algorithmique.*/ Résponsable : douglas edric stanley (a.k.a. abstractmachine) /* Descriptif : L’atelier Hypermedia enseigne la conception d’images, de programmes et d’animations informatiques. l’accènt est mis sur la construction de dispositifs singuliers et experimentaux, plutôt que sur la maîtrise de logiciels ou de procédés standardisés : les étudiants sont invités à construire leur propres outils, par le biais de langages simples ou complexes tels que BASIC, Logo, Robolab, Lego Mindstorms, C, Lingo, Cocoa, Javascript, Actionscript, Processing, MySQL/PHP, ou Java.

L’atelier Hypermedia ne voit pas de contradiction dans l’idée d’un travail plastique de la programmation. L’atelier ne fait pas de distinction entre low-tech et high-tech. les supports de création peuvent aller de Macintosh à Windows, en passant par Gameboy, Atari, Palm, PocketPC, Apple ][ ... Papers. Center for Virtual Architecture. Studierstube Augmented Reality Project. Synthetic Worlds Initiative. SIAL - Spatial Information Architecture. CRCA. Arden, a Shakespearean MMO. Computer and Information Science Papers CiteSeer Publications Re.

PRECISE - Purdue Center for Information Systems in Engineering. Our research is in two areas (1) shape analysis and design of shapes, and (2) computational tools for early design. Our research in shapes is motivated by the vast explosion of unstructured geometric information in many areas including engineering (CAD related), proteomics, microscopy and other geometric shape acquisition/creation methods including sketching. Our primary focus has been on developing shape representations, algorithms and methods to analyze and search on shapes. Another closely related area is in sketch understanding. Recent development in our lab is related to 3D inner distance representation of flexible shapes such as proteins [IDSS] and constraint extraction from raw sketches [Beautification] . Another key goal of our lab is to create new possibilities for early design through design understanding and developing tools.

A key objective is to project knowledge in manufacturing, analysis and sustainability to early design stages for better decision making. Karthik Ramani.