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SocialDM. Delicious Creator Quietly Launches Threaded Twitter Conversation. Joshua Schachter is best known as the creator of Delicious. But a few years after he sold it to Yahoo in 2005, he left the company and joined Google. Since then, he’s been known to speak his mind about Delicious’ overall direction (which he doesn’t seem to like), and it’s pretty clear that he still has the desire to create. And that’s exactly what he did tonight, quietly launching a new service he’s developed called a tiny thread. The idea is simple, take tweets and thread them together to form conversations, adding context. The site’s look is sparse (not entirely unlike early Delicious), but it’s very easy to follow conversations. Other sites have attempted to thread tweets together in the past, but the results vary because of things like retweets that either break threads or add too much noise.

It would seem that Schachter, who has been tweeting out links to this for about the past hour or so, did this on his own time, rather than his Google 20% time. Top Twitter Friends. Dipity. Hashtags. Twhirl. SLTweets. Squawk. TwitThis. Twitterbox.