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An Evolutionary Architecture - John Frazer. Electronic version of An Evolutionary Architecture An Evolutionary Architecture was published in January 1995 to coincide with an exhibition of the same name at the Architectural Association.

An Evolutionary Architecture - John Frazer

It concentrates on the work of Diploma Unit 11 run by John and Julia Frazer (with Pete Silver and Guy Westbrook) between 1989 and 1996, but includes formative work by the author dating back to his diploma prize-winning project at the AA in 1969 and related research work at Cambridge University. The book investigates the fundamental form-generating processes in architecture, considering architecture as a form of artificial life, and proposing a genetic representation in a form of DNA-like code-script, which can then be subject to developmental and evolutionary processes in response to the user and the environment.

The aim of an evolutionary architecture is to achieve in the built environment the symbiotic behaviour and metabolic balance found in the natural environment.


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