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Indexing Firefox 3.0 Bookmarks with Quicksilver. Since Firefox 3.0 has a funky new Quicksilver-esque navigation bar, bookmarks are stored in a different place and in a different language. You have to ask Firefox 3.0 to export in the Firefox 2.0 style for Quicksilver to be effective. The hack In the navigation bar, type in about:config. And “void your warrany” — that’s a joke from the Mozilla folks.Start typing in browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML until you find it. After that tweak, Firefox will export the bookmarks to bookmarks.html every time you close it. Don’t use Quicksilver? Chris Lesinski joined the HackCollege team in March, 2007. Quicksilver: Universal Access and Action. 9 Time-Saving Quicksilver Triggers - More Quicksilver Power Tips. iQuickTwitter - My Quicksilver + Twitter + iChat + Growl Hack.

Metadata in OS X - Part Two. Last week I began talking about using metadata effectively in OS X. I think I stirred the honey pot a bit by leaving things hanging – eg, not explaining my process – but felt it would be better organized and prepared in a series of posts. So here we are with Part Deux. Before we dive right back in however, I wanted to start by addressing questions of a common thread that were asked – both in the post’s comments and in the digg thread. The recurring theme of questioning was something along the lines of, “How well could it really work without any folder structure?” Well I’m afraid I wasn’t quite clear enough on that topic. Trying To Make A Point When I recommend ridding the Documents folder of any folder structure – as I did when I began this project – this is more for impact. Using metadata tagging in conjunction with smart foldering practices will make you just about as bullet-proof as you can get when it comes to filing and finding anything on your system.

Now On With The Show! Wrap Up. Metadata as a 'filing system'