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Know Your Enemy - Internet Threats and Web Security. Symantec Security Response is a worldwide team of security engineers, threat analysts, and researchers who develop a variety of content on the latest threats that impact organizations and end users.

Know Your Enemy - Internet Threats and Web Security

Archives 2014 Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 19. Malwarez. Review of "Digital Contagions" by Joseph Nechvatal. DIGITAL CONTAGIONS: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses by Jussi Parikka (Peter Lang Books, 2007, 327 pages); Reviewed by Joseph Nechvatal.

Review of "Digital Contagions" by Joseph Nechvatal

We cannot be done with viruses as long as the ontology of network culture is viral-like. - Jussi Parikka, “The Universal Viral Machine” One could be forgiven for assuming that a book with the title Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses would be of sole interest to those sniggering hornrimmed programmers who harbor an erudite loathing of Bill Gates and an affection for the Viennese witch-doctor. Actually, it is a rather game and enthralling look, via a media-ecological approach, into the acutely frightening, yet hysterically glittering, networked world in which we now reside. Though no J. G.