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VirtuSphere and Next Generation Virtual Reality. In: Business , Culture , Great New Product , Health & Fitness , Hot Issues , Medical Breakthrough , People Making a Difference Adagio Teas began ten years ago with the desire to introduce customers to an array of gourmet hand picked, whole leaf teas and herbals sourced directly from growers around the world. When they started, many tea drinkers were accustomed to having low quality bags filled with tea dust as their only option. It is now Adagio’s mission to bring tea lovers in all corners of the United States and Canada fresh seasonal teas with abundant flavor and intoxicating aromas that will delight them daily.

Whether you enjoy whimsical blended teas or serious single origin varietals, you will always have many choices at Adagio. Our simple, elegant, durable teaware perfectly compliments our whole leaf teas to assist you in making delicious tea anywhere. Henri Bergson: Matter and Memory. Welcome to the October 2007 edition of the Mead Project.

Henri Bergson: Matter and Memory

We would like to thank everyone who complained about the look and feel of the old site over the past year or so. We wanted to ignore you, but your criticisms were valid. Except for minor (and usually ill-considered) cosmetic changes, nothing had really changed since we first mounted the site more than a decade ago.