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PRIM ANIMATION SYSTEM. SL Build Tutorials. Dont I look awful in that?

SL Build Tutorials

:P Here are all the entries on making and building stuff: Clothes, Buildings, and Places for Builders; this include all of the tutorials in the blog Please let me know if there is something you would like me to add or take out. My only criteria is that it is "nice" place :) Building Technique Tutorials.

Script Me! English français deutsch 日本語 What is this?

Script Me!

This site will help you create scripts for your Second Life objects. These scripts allow you to add interactive elements to your builds without knowing how to code. All of the script are released under a creative commons license, which means that you can use them freely! Skype wake up status. The key to waking up invisible is always going to sleep invisible.

Skype wake up status

Watch the screencast to see how. Using the SleepWatcher utility we can run a simple Applescript to change our Skype user status to invisible, or whatever status you prefer, before dozing off. When your Mac wakes up Skype will remember the status and resume in that state. SleepWatcher has been covered in numerous tips on MacOSXHints.