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Neural Java. Neural Networks Tutorial with Java Applets Introduction Neural Java is a series of exercises and demos. Each exercise consists of a short introduction, a small demonstration program written in Java (Java Applet), and a series of questions which are intended as an invitation to play with the programs and explore the possibilities of different algorithms. The aim of the applets is to illustrate the dynamics of different artificial neural networks. Emphasis has been put on visualization and interactive interfaces. The Java Applets are and large-scale applications! Users interested in application programs should use other simulators .

The list below covers standard neural network algorithms like BackProp, Kohonen, and the Hopfield model. Additional material The following are available for download: Spiking Neuron Models (W. Supervised Learning for Neural Networks: a tutorial with JAVA exercises (W. See also Some Competitive Learning Methods (Bernd Fritzke) Exercises Support Vector Machine. Tiberius. Untitled. Pretraining Advice for Neural Network Newbies by Greg Heath. An Introduction to Neural Networks. Prof. Leslie Smith Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Department of Computing and Mathematics University of Stirling. last major update: 25 October 1996: minor update 22 April 1998 and 12 Sept 2001: links updated (they were out of date) 12 Sept 2001; fix to math font (thanks Sietse Brouwer) 2 April 2003 This document is a roughly HTML-ised version of a talk given at the NSYN meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 28 February 1996, then updated a few times in response to comments received. Please email me comments, but remember that this was originally just the slides from an introductory talk! Why would anyone want a `new' sort of computer? What is a neural network?

Some algorithms and architectures. Where have they been applied? What new applications are likely? Some useful sources of information. Some comments added Sept 2001 NEW: questions and answers arising from this tutorial Why would anyone want a `new' sort of computer? Good at Not so good at Fast arithmetic. Neural Network Library project in C# home page. Welcome to my Neural Network project home page. You can find here the first version of a .NET neural network library and it's API documentation. This library was developed in C# as a .NET class library.

I've also written a graphical interface to design neural networks and a few demos. I'm using neural network to perform face detection and recognisation on images, It's not fully functional at the moment but you can find more on my face detection page. If you have any problem, remark or suggestion e-mail me. Neural Networks with Java: neural net overview. Java Applets for Neural Network and Artificial Life.

(To Japanese version) Artificial Neural Networks Lab Contents Competitive Learning Vector Quantizer (VQ) Related to hard competitive learning. (in Japanese) VQ 2 by ELBG algorithm. Elastic Net for TSP SOM and elastic nets can be regarded as competitive learning with a topological constraint. Backpropagation Learning Neural Nets for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Other Neural Networks Artificial Life Genetic Algorithm Biomorph & L-system Life Game Boid Boids1 Simulation of flocking of animals Boids2 dead? Other AL AL collection Other Related Applets See also my link collection. 2004.7.15: Update Akio Utsugi (home page)

Essence. ABC++ of Neural Nets. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN) OpenAi. NeuroDimension.