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Photos - The Mad Housers. Heavy Eco - Made in Prison Tees. Made in jail : Fuori le Mura. Andando in giro si vede: puo’ essere sull’autobus, all’universita’, a qualche concerto.

Made in jail : Fuori le Mura

E’ il marchio “Made in jail”, capi d’abbigliamento con l’ormai famoso logo delle “tacche segnate”, prodotto da una cooperativa formata, per la maggior parte, da ex-detenuti. Incuriosito dal marchio e pensando che ci fosse una storia interessante dietro, sono andato ad intervistare il presidente della Cooperativa stessa, Silvio, che mi riceve vicino al suo banco di vendita, in piazza Navona.

DOMANDA: ” COME NASCE QUESTA INIZIATIVA?” RISPOSTA: “Era l’inizio degli anni ’80, e a Rebibbia era nato un gruppo unito dalla stessa visione del mondo e della realta’ carceraria. Un Natale Made in Jail. Per il recupero dei giovani detenuti. Made in Jail: Training inmates for a better future. #Pope Holy Week April 18, 2015.

Made in Jail: Training inmates for a better future

Pope Francis will preside the ceremony of the Lord's Passion at 17.00. At 21.15, he will take part in the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum. #World Papal Appointments April 17, 2014. #Vatican Decree for Sainthood Causes April 16, 2014. Pope's Schedule. UN Refugees Agency. Statistiche - UNHCR. I-BEAM DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE. The Pallet House project by I-Beam Design, was initially conceived as a transitional shelter for the refugees returning to Kosovo after the war. These people needed an immediate alternative to the typical tent solution that could potentially transform into a new permanent home over time, even without access to sophisticated tools and materials. It has since become our aim to also develop the project as a more permanent housing solution to serve not only refugees in disaster stricken areas but also as a modular, prefabricated solution to affordable housing everywhere that can improve people's lives, the environment, society and even inspire greater diplomacy among the various cultures of the world.

The Pallet House is an inexpensive, efficient and easily realizable solution to the problem of housing people displaced by natural disaster, plagues, famine, political and economic strife or war. The Pallet House is made of wooden shipping pallets. Photos by Peter Miller. Design e Ospitalità: nuovi scenari e modelli/concept per strutture ricettive di nuova concezione. Design and Hospitality: new scenarios and concepts for innovative hospitality structures. Details Published Date Written by Super User Category: Ricerche in corso (INT) Hits: 552 Responsabile: Francesco Scullica Tema generale del progetto di ricerca Nuovi scenari dell’ospitalità ricettiva.

Design e Ospitalità: nuovi scenari e modelli/concept per strutture ricettive di nuova concezione. Design and Hospitality: new scenarios and concepts for innovative hospitality structures.

New scenarios for Hospitality Stato di sviluppo del tema di ricerca. Architettura sociale: l’orfanatrofio punto di riferimento per la comunità locale. TYIN Tegnestue Architects è uno studio norvegese che dalla sua fondazione, nel 2008, ha realizzato diversi progetti strategici di architettura sociale orientati al miglioramento della qualità della vita in aree povere.

Architettura sociale: l’orfanatrofio punto di riferimento per la comunità locale

Life3 : Modular Temporary Housing System. Modular homes are a perfect solution in remote or rural areas where conventional construction may not be possible, such as camping areas, worksites, or areas where natural disasters hit.

Life3 : Modular Temporary Housing System

Based on that kind of scenario, Tamer designed Life3, a modular temporary housing system. The main objective of Life3 is to create a low cost and easy to mount personal living space. The structure of this building is formed by symmetrical and identical modules. Life3 offers its users the ability to create their own private space by combining those modules into different shapes. It is easy to create cozy and friendly temporary house to replace theirs Designer : Tamer Nakisci Click the image for bigger view. m7red Inundation! "We started working on the game in 2000 after some minor floods hit Buenos Aires," explains Corbalan, who, along with Torroja collaborated with Gustavo Dieguez, Lucas Gilardi, and Daniel Goldaracena.

m7red Inundation!

"A few months later, a major flood unleashed a political-technocratic debate in the city. " After consulting advisors ranging from environmental specialists to conceptual artists, the collective--then working under the name m777--created inundacion! Inesperadas posibilidades urbanas para Buenos Aires (flood! Unexpected urban possibilities for Buenos Aires), 2000-2002, a board game in which players respond to a disaster scenario and sometimes even anticipate actual events. "In April 2003, we were playing a session of inundacion! How does the game work? However lifelike its scenarios can sometimes be, inundacion! "We prefer to write scripts instead of designing buildings for catastrophes because they are high-exposure, interactive scenarios for urban actors," says Corbalan.

16 Excellent Temporary Emergency Shelter Designs. 16 Lifesaving Temporary Emergency & Disaster Shelters Article by Delana, filed under Houses & Residential in the Architecture category.

16 Excellent Temporary Emergency Shelter Designs

A political or environmental crisis can be devastating to populations and families – forcing people from their homes and property. To lessen the human damage and provide a measure of safety and comfort for victims, temporary shelters are an invaluable asset. These designs, however, go above and beyond the standard stock emergency shelters in providing more efficient, affordable and all around more interesting living quarters.

(images via: Vestal Design) SHRIMP (Sustainable Housing for Refugees via Mass Production) refugee housing units are compact, durable structures that can fold up to fit into 1/4 of a standard shipping container. (images via: Concrete Canvas) With more than 35 million refugees worldwide, it’s become clear that housing solutions for displaced people need to be made a priority. (image via: CalEarth)