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Super MoneyMaker. MoneyMaker Max The MoneyMaker Max (MMM) is a unique, high-quality, human powered treadle irrigation pump, designed by KickStart International in 2011 and launched in 2012.

Super MoneyMaker

With the look of a modified Stairmaster, the easy operation and high flow rate of the MMM allows farmers to irrigate up to 2 acres of land per day. It is a lower-cost and more cost-effective solution than motorized irrigation pumps which are hard to fuel, maintain and repair in rural Africa and have a lot of recurring costs. The MMM weighs just 16kgs, pulls water from depths of up to 7 meters, pushes it to the field through a pressurized hosepipe and produces a maximum pumping head of 16 meters. This enables the MMM to push water up a hill, power sprinklers and be used with a hand-held nozzle to efficiently deliver the water directly to the crops.

The MMM is an improved version of KickStart’s best selling Super-MoneyMaker (SMM) treadle pump. Download a PDF version of our product brochure here. Design Criteria. Design Criteria Income Generating Every tool must have a profitable business model attached to it.

Design Criteria

Return on Investment Anyone who purchases a KickStart tool will be able to fully recoup his or her investment in six months or less. Affordability The tool has to be affordable to the target audience. Energy-Efficient All of our tools are human powered so they must be extremely efficient at converting human power to mechanical power Ergonomics and Safety Our tools must be safe to use for long periods of time without stress or injury. Portability Tools must be small and light enough to carry home from the store by foot, bike or minibus. Ease of Installation and Use All of our products must be easy to set up and use, without additional training or requiring any additional tools (not even a hammer or screwdriver) Hippo Water Roller Project. Literacy Bridge. Baker Cookstove: la stufa che migliora la vita delle donne dei Paesi in via di Sviluppo (video) Un fornello ad alta efficienza energetica che migliora la vita delle donne e non solo.

È Baker Cookstove , ideato per la cottura su fuoco all'aperto, il metodo poco sicuro e inquinate più utilizzato dalle donne del mondo in via di sviluppo per cucinare. Lo ha realizzato lo studio di design di Stoccolma Claesson Koivisto Rune . Tra i vantaggi di questa stufa nata per aiutare lo sviluppo dei Peasi più poveri, c'è anche la consistente diminuzione del consumo di legna, e quindi della deforestazione, dal momento che utilizza solo 1/3 del materiale da combustione rispetto al metodo tradizionale su 3 pietre, energivoro e pericoloso per la salute. Baker Cookstove aumenta anche la velocità di cottura , riducendo le emissioni di gas serra, oltre al fumo e all'inquinamento casalingo.

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Cheap Solutions for Big Problems: Reinventing Some Wheels

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