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Some Sample Blog Assignments Aligned to the New ISTE NET-S. I’ll be delivering an ISTE Webinar later this afternoon, and it occured to me last night that I might try to suggest some instructional uses of blogs aligned with the new ISTE NETS Refresh.

Some Sample Blog Assignments Aligned to the New ISTE NET-S

I’m including them here as a reference for the Webinar participants and for you. Creativity & Innovation Assignment: In the coming weeks, major news outlets will start talking about the leading events of 2007 and the most influencial (or best dressed) people, i.e. Time’s “‘Man’ of the Year.” Few of your students will remember when these same agencies were talking about the events and people of the century and even of the millennium. 33 Ways to use blogs in your classroom and in the educational setting. Rationale for educational blogging. I was recently asked to give a rationale for educational blogging.

Rationale for educational blogging

I thought I’d share what I wrote and invite comment. Blogs are reshaping our environment.