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Wikipedia: Beneath the Surface. Eating disorders. Educational Video Sites. Education not ICT focussed. Teaching Graphic Novels. Storybird - Artful storytelling. MindMapping. Personality types. The Ethical Researcher: Template for a Plagiarism Policy. [e.g. Academic Integrity Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Honor Code, Statement on Plagiarism] An ethics policy explains your [school, library, technology, classroom] goals, values and program within the larger context of the [district, school] educational mission, policies and procedures. By stating the rules and identifying the norms as lived in daily practices, the ethics policy offers explicit guidance about an individual's behavior and clarifies the rights and responsibilities of the institution and its stakeholders, the community and its members, the classroom and its learners.

A comprehensive ethics policy is a living document developed by the entire community or institution under the guidance of a leadership team including the school librarian and technology coordinator and key representatives of local and district administration, the school board, faculty, parents and students. The Spark of Reading. “Come on baby light my fire!” In education today there are few topics that receive the unanimous support of all educators like the value conferred upon literacy and particularly the importance of reading. The evidence regarding how literacy can impact upon life chances is incontrovertible and the ‘riches’ provided by reading are very real: literally, in terms of average wages and career success; as well as emotionally, spiritually and cognitively. The inspirational trigger for my writing this blog post about the power of reading was this article here in the Telegraph about how reading great literature can spark the brain neurologically and have lasting physiological and psychological benefits.

When contemplating the nourishing benefits of reading I am saddened by evidence provided by the excellent National Literacy Trust that indicates that reading for pleasure appears to be in perennial decline. In the aforementioned ‘History Boys’, Hector implores the boys to “pass it on”. MOOCs. WRITING. Website Tools. Jeroeng. Education and ICT. Edudemic | Education Technology, Apps, Product Reviews, and Social Media.

50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses. Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education for free. From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education. 1.

UMass Boston Open Courseware The UMass courseware offers a broad range of classes in areas like psychology, biology, early education, political science, history, mathematics, and others. Each department has a separate page listing the classes available. Along the side, you are given your syllabus, assignments, a professor bio, and recommended reading. There are no slides, videos, or lecture notes, which makes this open courseware inferior to other universities that offer extensive resources. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tools For Educators. Graphs Infographics. 5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) Internet Safety. Classroom and Education Blogs - Dedicated. 103 iPad 2 uses.pptx.