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Eraser. Atomic Clock Sync Information from Atomic Clock Sync offers an easy way to configure how often your computer will check in with an atomic clock server to keep your local system clock adjusted for accuracy. The default in Windows is to sync every 7 days, but you can easily change this to be more often if you find your computer clock gets behind or ahead too quickly. Atomic Clock Sync can even help repair the Windows Time Service if your computer is no longer able to check for Internet Time updates as it normally would.

Best of all, you can download and use this utility at no cost to you! Atomic Clock Sync includes no spyware! No ad banners! Download Atomic Clock Sync This download is signed for your safety by our company. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have the correct time zone selected on your computer AND have the correct daylight saving time rules in place in your operating system in order to have the Internet Time synchronize process work properly. About Atomic Clock Sync Old Versions - Downloads and Revision History. Her er 35 gratisprogrammer du ikke kan greie deg uten - tema. (Dagbladet): Programvare til PC og Mac kan være dyrt, men det finnes heldigvis gratisalternativer for de aller fleste oppgavene du vil utføre, om det er å brenne en CD, redigere bilder eller beskytte PCen mot virus og hackerangrep. Mange av gratisvariantene er basert på åpen kildekode slik at alle som vil, kan være med på å videreutvikle disse.

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