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Global Digital Works. - Top 10 aller JavaScript-Frameworks. JavaScript - 21 Aug, 2008 JavaScript-Frameworks sind in Mode und seit dem es diese Bibliotheken mit ihren zahlreichen Funktionen gibt, ist JavaScript auch nicht mehr mit diesem negativen Image behaftet, wie das vor einigen Jahren noch der Fall. Denn dank dieser modular aufgebauten Bibliotheken kann fast jeder diese JavaScripts anwenden und fast beliebig erweitern.

Um die Vielzahl dieser Frameworks ein wenig einzuschränken, werden an dieser Stelle die Top-10 aktueller JavaScript Frameworks zusammengefasst. Welche für die eigenen Webdesign-Ansprüche und Anforderungen ideal ist sollte jeder selbst herausfinden, denn jede dieser Anwendungen hat sein Vor- und Nachteile ( Dateigröße, Funktionsumfang, etc. ). jQuery Dieses frei verfügbare Javascript-Framework, verfügt über umfangreiche Funktionen zur Navigation und Manipulation der DOM-Syntax und liegt aktuell in Version 1.2.6 vor und ist minimierten und gepackten (GZip) Umfang lediglich 16KB groß.

MooTools Prototype Dojo Yahoo! Rico. - Webstandards - The Power of JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS. JavaScript - 31 Aug, 2009 Ein Webstandard kommt selten allein und Anwendungen deren Beschreibung mit dem Schlagwort "Web 2.0" einher gehen, schon mal gar nicht. Denn kaum eine Anwendung die dieser "Kategorie" zuzuordnen ist, kommt ohne eines der bekannten und auf dem Webstandard JavaScript basierenden Frameworks aus. Besonderer Beliebheit erfreut sich hier insbesondere das von John Resig entwickelte jQuery. In kreativer Zusammenarbeit mit weiteren Webstandards wie HTML und CSS ergeben sich oftmals sehr hilfreiche und wie die folgenden Beispiele zeigen werden, auch durchaus nützliche jQuery-Anwendungen.

Slide-Show - Music Player - Sign-up Page - ScrollPanes - Scrollable - AnythingSlider - Infinite Carousel - Fancy Share-Box - Horizontal animated Menu - Horizontal Menu with Hover-Effect - TufteGraph - falls to SQL injection attack. It must have been with the greatest sense of irony when a pair of hackers broke into over the weekend using an SQL injection attack. For those who are not familiar with the term, an SQL injection is a phrase used to denote the execution of unauthorized SQL database commands--usually by exploiting improperly or insecurely designed web applications. In this instance, SearchSecurity reported that the hackers used a blind SQL injection which meant that the hackers figured out the pertinent database structure by a process of trial-and-error.

Though no other details were given about how they managed to perform the SQL injection in the first place, the hackers posted user names of the site's users as proof of their claims. In addition, the password hashes of related users are also compromised and posted online, with some of them cracked by now. 12 Places to Use QR Codes for Marketing. How to Style Each WordPress Post Differently. Web design, Internet Marketing News and Tips | Convert FBML to iFrames on Facebook Fan Pages. How Does Facebook Work? The Nuts and Bolts [Technology Explained] Facebook is social networking. People have been “facebooking” each other for about 6 years now, making Facebook the most used social network with over 350 million users worldwide. But how does Facebook work? In this article, I will discuss Facebook’s inner workings, covering its architecture and frontend/backend infrastructure””the nuts and bolts that hold Facebook together.

How Does Facebook Work?”” The Front End Facebook uses a variety of services, tools, and programming languages to make up its core infrastructure. At the front end, their servers run a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack with Memcache. Linux & Apache This part is pretty self-explanatory. MySQL For the database, Facebook utilizes MySQL because of its speed and reliability. As far as customizations are concerned, Facebook has developed a custom partitioning scheme in which a global ID is assigned to all data. Memcache Having a caching system allows Facebook to be as fast as it is at recalling your data. 1. 2. 3. Facebook 'will look different in a year'

As well as the news that Facebook is used by half the UK population, Facebook also laid bare its vision for the future of the social web in a keynote at the UK's largest digital marketing event, TFM&A. Stephen Haines, commercial director for Facebook in the UK, said that the site would continue to evolve. "There have been eight iterations of the [main] Facebook design over the last few years... [and] it will look different in a year" he said, clearly intimating that the site would continue to change to enhance its commercial succcess. The site has never been slow to change fundamentals of its design and approach, most recently with the redesign of the Like button.

"The average Facebook user has 130 friends [and] the average time spent on Facebook is 28 minutes a day. " Haines also showed impressive figures showing the effectiveness of brand pages. He hailed the success of Facebook Deals, which had even crashed the Alton Towers website. From browsing to discovery Messages boost? How to Draw Quadratic Curves on an HTML5 Canvas » SitePoint Blogs. Drawing graphical curves within the browser has never been easy. Until recently, if you wanted a smooth chart, you either had to generate an image or create an SVG on the server. Creating a curve on the fly required ninja JavaScript skills, a mathematics degree and immense patience.

The canvas element has changed everything. We can now draw and animate complex lines, curves and shapes with a few lines of code. Today we’ll look at quadratic curves. What are quadratic curves? It’s been a long time since I took a mathematics lesson, so please don’t expect an in-depth explanation! Back already? Like any line, a quadratic curve has a start (P0) and end point (P2). Quadratic curves are great for drawing smooth edges. Enough math — let’s see some code! The canvas element supports quadratic curves. Canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") ctx.lineWidth = 6; ctx.strokeStyle = "#333"; We now define the starting point for our curve (P0):

Create fancy share box with CSS and jQuery. This tutorial will show you how to turn unordered list (UL) into an fancy social bookmarking sharing box. You will see how to style such box, how to add interactivity, and how to create jQuery plugin that will turn any UL into sharing box. Download source View demo The idea is to have all of the buttons shown inline and partially hidden. When user hovers over a button it slides to the right and become visible. Styling unordered list We will use unordered list to create a simple list that will show icons of popular social bookmarking sites. First list item won’t be an icon but rather an image saying “share this”. We’ll leave HTML anchors empty here so you have to replace them with real links. Now the list looks fine, but this is not what we wanted to do.

To carry out what we wanted from the beginning, we need to involve absolute inside relative positioning. Adding jQuery Image above shows how buttons will appear when we make them absolutely positioned. Creating plugin $("#list").sharebox(); - CSS3 Transition Tutorial - Menü mit Slide-Effekt im Apple-Style. CSS-Transitions - Fliessend animierte Übergänge wie Slide-Effekte bei Webseiten-Elementen wie bspw. einem Menü zu erzeugen, wurde bisher meisten von kleinen Plugins basierend auf einem JavaScript-Framework wie jQuery umgesetzt. Die CSS3-Eigenschaft Transition ermöglicht ein solches "Bewegungsmuster", ebenso wie die hier kürzlich vorgestellte CSS3-Eigenschaft Animation, nur ohne JavaScript. Das heißt, das bspw. "Slide-Effekte" ausschließlich via CSS umgesetzt werden können. Im folgenden kleinen Tutorial wird daher beschrieben wie unter der Verwendung von Border-Radius, Gradient ( Farbverlauf via CSS ) und Transtion, dieser Slide-Effekt in wenigen Schritten ohne JavaScript und ohne Grafiken, ausschließlich mit CSS(3) realisiert werden kann.

CSS3 Transition Menu - Step 1: Definieren der HTML-Struktur CSS3 Transition ... Die daraus resultierende Abbildung sieht, ohne CSS, noch relativ unspektakulär aus. Abb. 1: CSS3 Tutorial - HTML-Struktur des Accordion-Menüs color:#FFF; } View Tutorial Demo. - Creative Image-Galleries by jQuery. JavaScript - 16 Jul, 2009 Die Phase in der sich Besucher von Webseiten entscheiden, auch nach der ersten Wahrnehmung der Webseite weiterhin auf dieser zu verweilen oder bspw. den Kauf eines Produktes erwägt, spielt die Emotion die beim Besucher geweckt wird den entscheidenden Faktor. Daraus resultierende Fragen beziehen sich dann darauf, ob diese Seite dem Besucher einen Mehrwert bietet. Das könnten gesuchte Informationen oder aber eben auch Produkte sein, die er oder sie möglicherwiese bereit sind zu kaufen. Um nun diese Emotionen zu wecken, gibt es in der Online-Welt des WWW kaum ein effektiveres Gestaltungselement als Bilder.

FullScreen Image-Gallery SupersizedGallery ImageRotator Galleria Content-Gallery Galleriffic EasySlider ImageScroller Slider ImagesSwitch Eine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit zur Präsentation von Bildmaterial ist der Panaramo-Blick. PanoramaView Buch-Tipp: jQuery: Das Praxisbuch Mit jQuery kann man zaubern. . * Amazon-Partnerlink Ähnliche Artikel zu diesem Thema: - CSS3 Tutorial - Website-Navigation - Border-Radius. CSS3-Tutorial - Inspiriert von dem hier im Webstandard-Blog kürzlich vorgestellten CSS-Tutorial "The hidden power of border-radius" und der vielerorts ausgetragenen Diskussionen zum Thema Progressive Enhancement im Bereich Webdesign bezüglich vorhandener Webstandards, ist das folgende kleine aber hoffentlich für den ein oder anderen Leser inspirierende CSS3-Tutorial mit Hauptaugenmerk auf der CSS3 Eigenschaft Border-Radius und den damit durchaus vorhandenen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten entstanden.

Keine Tricks, keine Zauberei und vor allem keinerlei Grafiken (!) , lediglich ein paar übersichtliche Zeilen CSS. Aber seht selbst! CSS3 Tutorial - Step 1: Definieren der HTML-Struktur der Navigation Das HTML-Grundgerüst einer Navigation ist, der Bedeutung der Inhalte entsprechend, im Idealfall ein Liste. Code-Beispiel ... Abb. 1: HTML-Struktur der Navigation ohne CSS CSS3 Tutorial - Step 2: Anlegen der Hintergrundfarbe der Navigation Abb. 2: Anlegen der Hintergrundfarbe der Navigation. - Windows 7 Fenster mit CSS3 und jQuery - Tutorial Teil 1. Windows 7 Fenster mit CSS3 & jQuery - Du findest das Interfacedesign von Windows 7 ansehnlich und interessierst dich für CSS3? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Denn im weiteren Verlauf wird in diesem Tutorial-2-Teilers ein Fenster aus Windows 7 mit Hilfe von CSS3 und jQuery UI erstellt.

Im ersten Teil dieses Tutorials geht es hierbei um das Stylen des Fensters, entsprechend den "Interfacedesign-Vorgaben" von Windows 7. Im zweiten Teil dieses Tutorials geht es um das Dragging & Resizing des erstellten Fensters unter Zuhilfenahme von jQuery UI. Windows 7 Fenster - Das Original als Vorlage Windows 7 - Das Original als Vorlage Damit ihr wisst, was nachgebaut werden wird, hier ein Abbildung eines Fensters aus Windows 7.

Fensterrahmen: Transparenz, runde Ecken, SchlagschattenFenstertitel: Programm-Icon, Text-Shadow, Schriftart: Segoe UIFensterinhalt: flexible Höhe und Breite Step 1 - Anlegen des HTML-Gerüstes und der Inhalte Code-Beispiel <! Step 2 - Anlegen und Stylen des Fensterhintergrundes. 5 Pitfalls to Avoid for New Web Designers. New web designers often find themselves in a common scenario: fresh out of college or just barely starting your career... but unlike other careers where there are defined training programs to show you the ropes, you end up wandering around the internet, hoping to pick up enough experience to land a job. Today, I am going to discuss a few areas where rookie web designers can drop the frustration and begin making high quality web sites faster. Pitfall 1. Don't Try To Re-Invent Layout A very common theme amongst beginners is trying to "re-invent the wheel" when it comes to layout.

Why? One of the reasons that this happens is younger designers have little experience with actually having to develop the sites they design. Other beginners hope to revolutionize the industry by creating wild and crazy approaches to simple design problems. Perhaps a better analogy is trying to re-invent man's invention of flight.

Here are some tips: Explore the Internet. Pitfall 2. Don't use them! Pitfall 3. Webdav. Web tools/APIs. AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin. Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it's got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I've created a number of different sliders. Three, in fact. A "featured content" slider, a "start/stop slider", and "moving boxes". Each of them had some cool interesting feature that I needed to build at the time. This new AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features.

View Demo Download Files The demo page has the current version, complete usage, and up-to-date changelog. Features Customization Adding/Removing Slides Just add or remove more <li> items from the list inside <div class="wrapper">, everything else happens automatically. Adjusting Size For example, if you wanted to make the slides 580px wide instead of 680px wide, you just need to change some CSS. Linking Directly To Slides from Static Links Credits Share On. TufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery.

Horinaja for scriptaculous or jQuery. How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery. Home > CSS, Front End Development, HTML, Javascript > How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery Why not give a little flair to your header. This tutorial will show you how to animate your header’s background image using jQuery to give your website that little extra something. What We Are Building We are going to build a header that animates it’s background. We will also encase the header in shadow for the little extra dramatic effect. How it’s Going to Work The header background image is going to be super tall. Now that we have our background image, we will also need to create a shadow overlay image. After that it’s just a matter of animating the background image with jQuery so it scrolls.

Getting Started The first thing we’re going to need is the HTML in place. Here is the HTML: The CSS We aren’t going to do anything too difficult here. Here is the CSS: Just a note, the png transparency won’t work in IE6. The jQuery There are a couple ways of animating the background with jQuery. Making an infinite JQuery carousel. Making an infinite JQuery carousel In this tutorial we will make an infinite JQuery carousel. I noticed that most of tutorials on how to make an infinite JQuery carousel are quite complex, so i decided to show you how to make it much simpler. How will it work? We will use an unordered list for our carousel items, which will be placed inside a div with overflow:hidden css property so all items beyond limits of the div will be hidden.

The infinite effect will be made by changing position of the items, when the user clicks right(next) the first item will be placed after the last item and when he clicks left(previous) the last item will be placed before the first item. Demo Source I think only one of these properties needs to be explained further. That’s how it looks. JQuery That’s it. Related posts: Slobodan Kustrimovic This author has yet to fill his BIO. Did you absolutely LOVE this article... share it! Disabled labels and the Trilemma plugin (Ask the CSS Guy) Kwicks for jQuery and an awesome horizontal animated menu. Design And Develop A Complete Website (Part 2)

Technology Web. Anonymity Online. Create an amazing music player using mouse gestures & hotkeys in jQuery. Fav tech news sites. Webdesign. Flash Games. - Top Illustrator Tutorials. 3D Banner FX. Mastering OSMF – Part 1: Working with the Flash Platform. Adobe Illustrator. Vintage Badge in Illustrator and Photoshop.