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بوابة الإنترنت الرقمية ADSLGATE - عرض مشاركة واحدة - اللي هاوي تصوير وعنده كاميرا وزوم قوي يصور لنا ابراج الجيل الرابع مشكورا. هلا بكم يا شباب ,الصور القادمة هي صور مصنفة ك "سري للغاية!!! "<<< من جدك انت؟؟؟ الصور طبعا لكبائن الجيل الرابع من الشيلتر (الثلاجة!) و التاور (البرج!) ,الصور من موقع ل STC كنت شغال فيه. الانتينا العريضة هي حقت ال LTE , و الانتينا النحيفة حقت HSPA+ و هذي الكبينة من الداخل (نوعها HUAWEI) و هذي صورتين زيادة لكبينة الجيل الثالث المطور (HSPA+) اريكسون و اي اسئلة متعلقة بال الجيل الثالث و الرابع ممكن اي احد يسئل في الموضوع..... How 3D Technology Works (Infographic) Stay Connected with Us! Follow TechnoBuffalo 3D televisions were all over the show floor this year at CES.

While some of this year’s TVs require you wear glasses, others use a different technology and can be watched “glasses-free.” Both technologies are a little different than the traditional “3D glasses” technology with one red and one blue lens. So, how do they all differ? To explain how it all works, Online Schools created this awesome infographic. What do you think about 3D? Via. Paula Garcés. اقتراح اصدار نسخة من برنامج مشــروع القرآن الكريم. لا تبدأ موقعك من الصفر! لاحظت أنّ كثيرًا من الناس يبحث عن مُبرمج لعمل موقعه الشخصي أو موقع لشركة أو مؤسسة، لأنه يعتقد أنّ لديه شُروطًا مُحدّدة وكأنه أول شخص يُريد إنشاء موقع في العالم، ثُمّ تجد هذه الشُروط مُجرّد شرائح عرض لصور المواضيع وصفحة اتصل بنا وتصميم جميل وإدارة الزُوّار والأعضاء وغيرها من الشُروط الأساسية في تطبيقات مفتوحة المصدر! إذًا ما الحل لتجنُب هذه النهاية البئيسة؟ تُوجد الكثير من الحلول سأذكر أفضل ما أعرفه ولكن كما أخبرتك سابقًا إنّ تقنيات الويب مُتسارعة وقد تكون الحُلول التي تُشاهدها الآن تُناسب فقط الزمان الذي كُتبت فيه لذلك عليك البحث دائمًا عن حُلول جديدة أكثر فعالية وتوافقية مع العالم في الزمن الذي تعيشه.

ماذا تُريد؟ إذا كنت تُريد الكتابة فقط ولا يُهمك أي شيء آخر إذًا أنصحك بأحد هذه المواقع الأكثر شُهرة في مجال التدوين: ١-WordPress. ٢-Blogger. هذان الموقعان يُريحاك من عناء حجز مِساحة واسم نطاق ولكنهم يُقيدانك في اختيار قالب مدونتك أو تعديل القوالب المُتاحة بالإضافة إلى التقييد في استخدام الإضافات البرمجية. أُريد أن أُصبح حُرًا! القوالب: معرض القوالب في منتديات عرب ووردبريس… والكثير الكثير.. How To Share Files (With P2P) Online Without Uploading To Any Server | Saket Jajodia. Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine. Today in this post I will tell you how you can share your files and folder online. When we need to share any file instantly with our friends or colleague, we have to attach and send files via email or upload to your DropBox public folder or upload to any online file sharing website.

By these ways we need to upload our file to an online server and then share it with our friends or colleague, so that it can get downloaded later, but not anymore. Recently a new service is launched called Folders.IO where you don’t need to upload files to any server, you just simply select the files and folders you want to share and share the unique URL by which your friends can download it. It lets you do P2P file sharing. You will able to email link to your friend without leavening Folders.IO website or logging to your email account, share it on Facebook or Twitter and you also get a QR Code to transfer file to smart phones. To view files click on the magnify glass icon. Windows 7 App Launcher: Run Programs In One Go From Taskbar. Ever wanted to launch multiple applications for performing routine tasks in one go, without having to manually create a batch script to invoke applications’ execuatables?

Although the batch script file (.BAT) can be used to run multiple commands and applications, it’s a bit tiresome to manually add new applications to batch file and edit the existing applications’ paths. What you probably need is an application like Windows 7 App Launcher to effortlessly create application profiles, so they can be launched with a single click.

It’s an app launcher that lets you add applications, shortcuts, files et., without going through the hassle of creating and editing the script. Since it has a GUI-based configuration console, all you need is to bring it up for adding new applications, changing the profile icons and editing the list of applications, files and shortcuts To add a new profile for launching multiple applications, head over to New Profile tab, enter profile name and hit Create Profile. iZoom: Automatically Fit Webpage Contents To Window Size [Chrome] iZoom Chrome extension allows users to view entire webpages, even when the window size is decreased, and, increases the content size as the window’s size is increased. It automatically changes zoom level to fit window width. The extension comes with three different zooming modes, Shrink, Grow and Shrink & Grow.

For Shrink, the zoom is always 100%, unless window width is decreased and contents will shrink to fit. Grow, on the other hand, causes the webpage content to grow with the width of the window. Content will shrink and grow to fit window width, when the Shrink & Grow option is enabled. Select the Grow option from the toolbar or the right-click context menu, refresh your webpage, and you will be able to grow web content as the window’s size is increased. Similarly, select the Shrink option, refresh your page, and contents will shrink to fit the width of the window.

This extension can particularly be helpful for people who browse the web on netbooks and small screens. Advertisement. خمس نصائح قبل أن توظف شخصا فى شركة تقنية. تسعى الشركات التقنية دائما لتوظيف ( الأسرع ، المبدع ، المبتكر ، المؤهل) وفي بعض الحالات الخاصة توظف بعض الشركات من لا يمتلك شيئا من هذه الصفات وتقوم بتأهيله عن طريق دورات خاصة ، أي أنها تصنع موظفا بدلا من البحث عن آخر ( مبدئ أنصح به بالنسبة للشركات الكبيرة ).

تخفق بعض الشركات التقنية فى إختيار الموظفين وفي إجراء المعاينات الوظيفية وخاصة تلك الشركات الناشئة والتى تحتاج أحيانا إلى موظف يمتلك إمكانيات عالية وبمواصفات محددة ويمكن أن يحدث تغيير نحو الأفضل لهذه الشركة . لذلك يجب أن يكون الإختيار وفق مبادئ وقوانين تؤمن بها الشركة وهنا أقدم خمس نصائح تفيد فى إختيار كفاءات ومجموعة متميزة من الموظفين للشركات التقنية وبالتحديد الشركات الناشئة . النصيحة الأولى : لا تعتمد على شهادات الخبرة دائما : فى عصر السرعة والتقنية المتجددة أنا لا أؤمن بالخبرة – رأي شخصي – النصيحة الثانية : إبتعد عن حاملي الشهادات المتعددة : للأسف بعض الشركات التقنية تفتن بحملة الشهادات المتعددة ، شهادات مايكروسوفت وسيسكو و أوراكل !!!

النصيحة الثالثة : إطرح بعض المشاكل التقنية فى المقابلة الأولى : ماذا أستفيد من ذلك ؟ مصدر الصورة. Speed Up Your Internet By Tweaking Your DNS | Sync Blog. Spend 5 minutes to tweak your Internet connection to its full potential with NameBench. Back in August, there was an article on Sync about OpenDNS , a free customizable service that allows users to filter their Internet using the OpenDNS’ servers. Recently, Google announced their own free, public DNS service . While OpenDNS does keep its servers frequently updated, its main goal is content filtering and management. The other main reason for tweaking your DNS settings is speed . While this might seem a bit complicated or technical, it is very well documented (with screenshots) and rest assured, there is no way of permanently harming your computer. A short recap : DNS, which stands for “domain name system”, is a key part of how the Internet works, behind the scenes. By changing your DNS settings, you can optimize your Internet connection by using the faster, closest, or most updated DNS server.

Previously, searching for an open, publicly accessible DNS server was a complicated process. How Can I Protect My Computers and Data When Someone Else Is Using My Network? Dear Lifehacker, After reading how easy it is for someone else to get onto my Wi-Fi network, and, similarly, thinking about how often I let my friends connect to my wireless network, I want to lock down the rest of my network so people connected to it can't go snooping around my computers—or at least secure my most super secret files and folders. What's the best way to go about this? P Thanks, Insecure About Network SecurityP Dear Insecure, We hear you. No one's stuff should be rifled through, whether you're protecting something as mundane as photos of you in a swimsuit or more sensitive information like your bank statements and tax returns.

If you share your network with friends or neighbors or just want to take extra precautions, these steps can protect your most important data from prying eyes. Set Permissions on Files or FoldersP You can password-protect important files or folders on your computer by editing the permissions settings, which control who can view or edit those items. Vita shooter Unit 13 deploys on March 6. Swap My Cookies: Manage Multiple Sessions & Switch Accounts [Chrome]

If you have several different accounts on websites, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and more, then Swap My Cookies, a Chrome extension, enables you to easily switch between those different accounts and manage your cookies for each session. It is a simple session manager that allows you to login to all your accounts at the same time, and if you want to use another account all you need to do is switch profiles. Swap My Cookies can be quite useful if you maintain multiple accounts and are tired of logging in and out to switch accounts. Also, it can be of great help for people who share the same computer and want to switch between accounts quickly without having to log out. When the profile is changed, so are all the cookies stored by the browser. While Gmail users might not need it as there is support for account switching, there are lots of other popular sites that people might have multiple accounts on. Cookies are saved by the extension to your browser, and not to a web server.

Daily Tip: How to delete iCloud backups from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Amped Wireless' new super-range WiFi gear unveiled at CES. Belkin combines true 450Mbps dual-band and MultiBeam, promises an ultimate router | CES 2012: Must See Products. LAS VEGAS--There's now another true 450Mbps dual-band router on the block. Belkin announced today at CES 2012 the Advance N900 DB Wireless Dual-Band N+ Router, model F9K1104. This is the company's top-tier wireless router, similar to the already released from Cisco or the of Netgear. The router offers the new 450Mbps wireless data rate on both the 2.4Ghz and 5Gh bands. Belkin says it also support its exclusive MultiBeam Technology designed to deliver "a high-powered signal that allows for higher and more-consistent network speeds and minimizes the number of wireless dead spots. " The router comes with six embedded MultiBeam antennas, promising to offer range coverage without much throughput reduction over long range.

Some other main features of the new Advance N900 DB Wireless Dual-Band N+ Router include: Belkin says you'll have to wait till April to purchase the router at an estimated price of $200. MathAlarm Plus For iPhone Requires You To Solve Math Problems To Disable Or Snooze Alarm. Advertisements If you are anything like me and millions of others around the world, then you without any doubt made a ridiculous New Years resolution, which if history is anything to go by you have no hope whatsoever of keeping. For those keen to know, my particular resolution this year is to release an iPhone game which actually sounds somewhat achievable, but time will tell. For those who have yet to make a resolution, or who wish to change across to one that may actually prove to be feasible, then why not opt to improve your arithmetic skills? Bear with me, there is some method to my madness. If you are an iPhone owner the the chances are you use it day in and day out. As part of the Daily Tweak Week challenge, Ryan released a small tweak known as ‘MathAlarm Plus’ which does exactly what it says on the tin and integrates mathematics with the alarm clock feature of the device.

MathAlarm is available on Cydia now through the Big Boss repository. You may also like to check out: Get Linux Compiles Information, Screenshots, and more for Tons of Linux Distributions for Easy Reference. Yeah, but the other big thing for me is the ability to just kind of arrow key through distros. Much faster than clicking through a site. But yes, it pulls all its information from Distrowatch. Some of the USB Flash drive multi-linux boot tools do that as well. Usually the ISO files they point at are out of date a few months, at least in my experience. Whatever gets more folks to try Linux is good. Hey, what happened to the Friday OpenThread? I don't understand why this needs to be an app that you have download to then select a distro to download. They should have just concentrated on providing a web app that delivers the same goal and then its available to everyone.

Interesting; haven't used any of those. Also, I think the open thread went up as normal yesterday? Stay secure, time-lapse your face | The Download Blog. Not all is doom and gloom in the security world. Facial recognition security program KeyLemon now offers a simple way to create a time-lapse video of your face in the latest update to its free eponymous program. The new optional plug-in, called LemonDay and available today exclusively from CNET, takes a photo of your face when you log in to your computer and stitches these photos together into a slightly self-indulgent video. No separate download is required to install LemonDay. Simply upgrade the free version of KeyLemon for Windows (download) or KeyLemon for Mac (download) to the new 2.6. The new log-in screen includes a box in the upper left corner that reads, "Enable LemonDay plug-in.

" Researchers create one-atom-high wire, quantum computers get a little closer. The door to practically building tomorrow's quantum computers has opened a little wider, with researchers crafting a wire just four atoms wide and one atom high that is able to conduct current just like traditional copper wiring. The team, made up of participants from Purdue University, the University of New South Wales, and Melbourne University, created the wire by etching a microscopic line into a piece of silicon and lining up phosphorous atoms along it. Previous efforts to create wires on the nanometer scale had suggested that resistivity increases as sizes shrink, rendering them impractical for the very thing they're intended for: conducting current.

The new atomic-level wire demonstrates none of these issues. The creation could provide a way to connect atomic-level components to one another in the practical construction of quantum computers. It may also extend the life of one of the semiconductor industry's favorite truisms: Moore's law. Setup and usage. Share - Unlimited sending of videos photos and files for free - Powered by BitTorrent. Unlock Root Roots Nearly 250 Android Devices in One Click.

Man uses passport on iPad to enter the U.S. Nikon’s D4 proves megapixels aren’t everything. How to Find Out if Someone's Secretly Been Using Your Computer. First Report On The Internet - CBC Prime Time News. Stop Music in iTunes When Headphones Are Unplugged On Mac - SmartStop. How To Repair Virus-Infected PC When Windows Fails To Boot Up [Guide] Weekly Mod: How to replace a battery in an iPhone 3G/3GS | TiPb. Download Linux From Your Desktop With Get Linux. 10 Quick iPhone Photography Tips. Office 2010 Language Packs Free Official Direct Download Links. Download YouTube Videos and Convert YouTube to MP3.