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Identifying and Collecting WWII M1 Helmet Liners - Military Trader/Vehicles. The liner for the M1 helmet served as the suspension for the steel helmet.

Identifying and Collecting WWII M1 Helmet Liners - Military Trader/Vehicles

It acted as a cushion between the wearer’s head and the steel of the helmet. The liner also served as headwear for ceremonial and official duties where a steel helmet was not necessary, such as a parade, guard, and MP duty in non-combat areas. Armata româna în primul râzboi mondial - Imagini de acum 100 de ani. Participarea României la Primul Război Mondial cuprinde totalitatea măsurilor și acțiunilor de ordin politic, diplomatic și militar desfășurate de statul român, singur sau împreună cu aliații, între 13/28 iulie 1914 și 28 octombrie/11 noiembrie 1918, în vederea atingerii scopului politic principal al participării la război - realizarea statului național unitar român.

Armata româna în primul râzboi mondial - Imagini de acum 100 de ani

La izbucnirea Primului Război Mondial, pe plan intern, România era o țară în care chiar dacă instituțiile regimului democratic erau prezente, funcționarea organismului statal era departe de standardele occidentale. Romanian Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks - The Armored Patrol. By SovietTenkDestroyer and Seb Hello!

Romanian Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks - The Armored Patrol

We have some Romanian tank destroyers that can make it into the game. Romania was an unspoken ally probably because they were not part of Tripartite Pact like Italy and Imperial Japan. While they didn’t make a lot of tanks, they started gaining grounds towards the end of the war where German and Romanian industries started cooperating more and more, such as the Mareșal tank which they wanted to make a SPAA platform using a 37mm AA gun and co-producing the tank with the Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer by using German equipment.

None of this became reality because Romania switched sides late in the war. Easy Saffron Rice Recipe. This easy recipe for saffron rice hails from the south of Thailand, where it is often eaten with roast chicken.

Easy Saffron Rice Recipe

Saffron rice makes dinner extra special and is nearly as easy to make as regular rice. You don't need to own a rice cooker to make this recipe. The rice is boiled in a pot on the stove but tastes very similar to steamed rice. And, unlike most saffron rice recipes, this one is fat free. Saffron brings not only its signature flavor to this dish but also provides its signature yellow color to the rice. This recipe calls for chicken stock, but if you want to make it vegetarian, use vegetable stock and replace the fish sauce with salt. Search our collection. Vz.24 – Vintage Airsoft. The Vz.24 rifle was produced from 1924 and was part of the generation of universal short rifles that followed the Great War, where long rifles proved unnecessary at best and an inconvenience or danger at worst.

Vz.24 – Vintage Airsoft

The hassle of issuing different arms to different unit types was more hassle than it was worth: the short rifle format as used by the British and US proved its worth up to any expected combat range in the way warfare turned out to be fought, with the extra length of the long rifle no longer needed for fighting in line.

Czech soldiers on exercise in 1939. The Czechs had been using a domestically produced version of the G98 previously with a few of their own preferred tweaks, but presumably wanted something handier and lighter. Roumania, 1881-95 - New York Public Library's images, albums, collections. The media on this page is placed in the public domain by New York Public Library, an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years.

Roumania, 1881-95 - New York Public Library's images, albums, collections

Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation’s largest public library system, featuring a unique combination of 88 neighborhood branches and four scholarly research centers, bringing together an extraordinary richness of resources and opportunities available to all. Serving more than 17 million patrons a year, and millions more online, the Library holds more than 51 million items, from books, e-books, and DVDs to renowned research collections used by scholars from around the world. Le Petit journal. Supplément du dimanche. Wingsofwrath - Hobbyist, General Artist. May 2016. Ultimele case de toleranta din Bucuresti, închise de ziua lui I.V.

May 2016

Stalin Crucea de Piatra a fost un cartier bucurestean de bordeluri, nu prea selecte, situat între Vitan si Dudesti. Se mai numea si „cartierul felinarelor rosii”, pentru ca felinarul rosu indica tipul de serviciu care se presta în imobilul respectiv. Numele strazii venea de la o cruce de piatra amplasata în fata unei biserici medievale de pe acea strada, ambele distruse în timpul Primului Razboi Mondial. La Crucea de Piatra veneau fel de fel de barbati, de la adolescenti la oameni maturi, de la scriitori la servitori sau hamali. În anul 1927, România avea 12.431 dame de consumatie. Appearance of The Principate [Pt. III]

Appearance of The Principate [Pt.

Appearance of The Principate [Pt. III]

III] 96–192: The Nerva–Antonine dynasty Daniel Voshart Jul 24 · 7 min read Using the neural-net tool Artbreeder, Photoshop and historical references, I have created photoreal depictions of Roman Emperors. ON CREATIVE COMMONS & COPYRIGHT: Faces can be shared non-watermarked at 200 pixels max height OR 512 pixels with the digital mosaic watermark with Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. These are my collected notes and references. First Legion Roman Toy Soldiers - Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix. Nicolae Ionescu (1903 – 1975)