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The 1970s Movie That Looks Just Like a Video Game. Wingsuit Basejumping - The Need 4 Speed: The Art of Flight. Darth Vader and the Imperial March on Bagpipes and Unicycle - The Unipiper. Bruce Lee lights matches. The 20 Best Movie Drinking Games. It's St Patrick's Day, and no doubt the pressure is on to head downtown for a few jars this evening (or, if you're a student, when doors open).

The 20 Best Movie Drinking Games

For the budding film fanatic, though, that cuts into viewing time, so here's the ideal way to keep inebriates and cinephiles alike happy. We've compiled some of the best movie drinking games from the collective wisdom of web-based boozers, as well as adding a few on our own. Sci-fi, gangster flicks, comedies and thrillers, classics and modern hits are all catered for. All of these will get you wasted while doing the public service of keeping you off the streets. Please drink responsibly. Funny-gifs-soccer-troll.gif (GIF Image, 264 × 198 pixels) Brodie Smith - Frisbee Trick Shots. People Are Awesome 2011. Protest Of The Day: Foo Fighters. There is something about seeing deserving people finally get what is coming to them and made to look stupid that just puts me in a good mood.

Protest Of The Day: Foo Fighters

Sure, it might be a harsh, but it puts a smile on my face regardless, especially on a Monday. Even more so when the trollers are none other than the Foo Fighters and their victims are the "oh-my-God-I-can't-believe-you-actually-exist" bigots of the Westboro Baptist Church. Recently, the totally reasonable members of the "Church" called for a picket of a Foo Fighters concert in Kansas City, obviously to stop Dave Grohl and the boys from incurring the wrath of God by playing "Everlong" one more time.

But not being ones to stand for bigotry and racism, the Fighters decided to do something that they have been good at for years: getting dressed up in ridiculous costumes, making some people laugh, and kicking out a jam. The song, "Keep It Clean," is a bluegrass praise of love for all mankind, regardless of sexual preference, race, or religion.