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What's new?: Roman blind tutorial in 20 pictures or less. May 9, 2016 This pattern can now be found on Craftsy. Here is the link. July 7, 2012. Check out Kathy's fab results at Cornerstone Confessions :-) August 12, 2012 JoAnn with no blog sent me pics of her awesomely happy results: My results are amazing. Thanks for sharing JoAnn! April 3, 2013 Here is Kristen's results.

April 3, 2013 : As I just sifted through the 10 current pages of comments and questions, I thought I should assure you that yes, I still get notified by email and I always answer questions within reason :-) May 19, 2016: Still getting emails with questions and still answering! To i Owo Zapraszamy na zakupy. Przegląd forum | Krawiectwo, moja pasja. Noż

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