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Six mythes à déboulonner sur la pénurie de main-d’oeuvre Par Emilie Pelletier et Didier Dubois. Vous constatez certainement que le sujet de la pénurie de main-d’oeuvre est devenu central au Québec.

Six mythes à déboulonner sur la pénurie de main-d’oeuvre Par Emilie Pelletier et Didier Dubois

On le constate de par la multiplication des pancartes « Nous embauchons » sur les entreprises québécoises. Même si certains intellectuels qui n’ont pas mis les pieds sur le terrain depuis plusieurs années s’entêtent à dire qu’il n’y a pas vraiment de pénurie, au plus une mésadaptation entre le besoin des entreprises et les travailleurs disponibles, on doit faire le constat que pour beaucoup d’organisations le recrutement est devenu très difficile. Pour mieux comprendre les enjeux auxquels nous faisons face, voici quelques mythes que nous avons voulu déboulonner. Êtes-vous un slasheur ? Jonglez-vous avec plusieurs activités professionnelles, par choix, plus que par nécessité ?

Êtes-vous un slasheur ?

Si oui, vous êtes peut-être un slasheur, selon la journaliste Marie Pierre Genecand, dans cet article sur l’art de cumuler plusieurs métiers, publié dans Le Temps. Un emploi pour vous? Autres offres de l'entreprise: Comme on peut le deviner, « slasheur » fait référence aux barres obliques entre les différentes activités qui peuvent exister sur une même carte professionnelle.

Letemps. Login - Jobbio. Loom - Quick Videos, Faster than Typing. How do You Use LinkedIn? [INFOGRAPHIC] - Article Spinning, Text Rewriting, Content Creation Tool. Senior Sales Representative at in Montreal, Canada. LocalSolo Blog - When should you contract local, remote or low cost offshore freelancers? Globalization and a plethora of online Freelance platforms have made it easier than ever before to hire someone remote and inexpensive to help your business.

LocalSolo Blog - When should you contract local, remote or low cost offshore freelancers?

Canadian Call Center Jobs. Identity, equality, diversity - Havas + TP1. Feminism and gender issues have now come to the forefront in the media.

Identity, equality, diversity - Havas + TP1

Questions concerning a woman’s place in the workplace and politics, the wage gap and sexual identity are making the front page, fuelling debates and stimulating social movements. What was once taboo is now open for public debate. For example, Caitlyn Jenner capitalized on the issue of Vanity Fair that revealed her new gender identity to create a Twitter account–and she became the fastest person ever to reach one million followers. Guinness clocked her world record at 4 hours and 3 minutes. Home. Startups in Montréal. Lessons in Social Entrepreneurship from the People Making a Real Impact. Finding a balance between profit and social impact has long been an issue for entrepreneurs.

Lessons in Social Entrepreneurship from the People Making a Real Impact

It's also spawned a debate: On one side (profit), the argument leans toward the golden rule of business: Increase shareholder value. An investment that cannot be demonstrated as making a measurable impact on company value should not be made in the first place. Related: 4 Ways Employers are Using Corporate Social Responsibility To Recruit Millennials On the other side (social impact), the argument says that the community the business serves is also a shareholder and so deserves consideration as well. By complying with this view, companies oblige themselves to protect the shareholders of the "community.

" En route, there is clearly a balance to be struck. Before founding Social Change Nation, Schukman spent a decade working with companies to develop cause-driven brands such as AmeriCorps, Habitat for Humanity and World Relief. David Smith, Cotaxi Vincent Ko, Panda. Cinq qualités essentielles des pigistes. Développer la marque-talent, une série présentée par Entremetteuse Recrutement de candidats, identification de la personne idéale, gestion et mise en valeur du talent, voilà quelques enjeux de ressources humaines auxquels les entreprises du secteur des communications-marketing n’échappent pas.

Cinq qualités essentielles des pigistes

Dans une série de textes, la firme spécialisée Entremetteuse s’y penche, en plus de proposer des pistes à suivre. Canadian Web Hosting, Domain Names & Servers. 21 Proven Ways to Access the Hidden Job Market. Sans titre. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew someone at your target company?

sans titre

Then they could personally hand your resume to HR and you’d be first in line. That would be best case scenario, right? It would actually be a best case scenario for your contact too, because they would likely get a bonus check for making the referral. Employee referral programs are the 2nd most popular way to find a job. That means LOTS of companies have them, and their employees are eager to cash in. It's time to use that fact to your advantage. A new member of, in just her 3rd day, sent me an email responding to my question if she had watched the “Planning Your Day” video, which I feel is the most important of the whole program.

“…for good reason. This will work if you try it. Sans titre. In my previous blog I talked about how job search didn’t have to involve luck, b.

sans titre

Recommended linkedin profile writers. If you’re like me, you don’t feel satisfied sitting around with a pretty LinkedIn profile waiting for recruiters to email you out of the blue.

recommended linkedin profile writers

(Although it’s nice, it’s simply not a strategy.) You need to be more proactive, more in control. This post will show you how to get job interviews by next week by directly reaching out to new employers. 10 Small Business Opportunities in Canada for Immigrants. To start a business in Canada, you must be either a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant or permanent resident.

10 Small Business Opportunities in Canada for Immigrants

So, as an immigrant, you are legally allowed to start any business of your choice in Canada. However, you must bear in mind that breaking into some markets and industries will be relatively easier for Canadian citizens than for immigrants. Fickle Baby Boomers Will Wreak Havoc On Your Company If You Don't Protect This Commodity. BeBee, Successful Personal Branding. Jenny and the Unicorn: A business fable for those in need of leads that convert - beBee Producer. It was another grey winter day and Jenny, who was constantly trying to find interesting ways to market her consulting business had just about had enough. Her business was in a lull and it was making her nervous. “How can I get more clients to pay me a significant retainer fee every month? I need some bigger fish,” she exclaimed. 6 Ways To Crack The 'Hidden' Job Market.