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Owned & Operated. Complete Original '07 Zeitgeist With 2010 Updates by: Peter Joseph. Abraham Hicks - How To Train Positive Expectation. ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011. Source: (Quote from within message below: “Well, if you're game for an "assignment", or maybe someone else if you haven't the time, I would be happy for someone to collate this topic (minus the "interruptions") so that the message appears with just the actual flow of questions and answers, and post it there in one piece, if you so desire. As I mentioned before, I chose ATS as I was reliably informed that it is one of the forums with a higher rate of intelligence and reasoning amongst it's members.

On the whole, from my experience here, I would tend to agree. Though if you think it would be of value to Camelot, by all means you are most welcome to spread this message. The more people it can reach, the better.” ) (A suggestion to viewers: Use ‘Edit, Find on this Page’ as a search feature to find portions of message. Outline: A brief outline to some key points or "predictions" stated in Hidden_Hand's post Window of 1). 2). 3). 4)

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