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All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace. The Logical Conclusion. ZeitNews. Ron Paul Didn't, Obama Did: Signed Away Freedom - NDAA 12/31/2011. Oppose Internet Censorship: Help Defeat PIPA And SOPA. Internet censorship legislation is barreling through Congress, and could come up for a vote in the next couple of weeks. Please fill out the form at right to ask your lawmakers to oppose the legislation -- and visit to ask for the Senator who's going to filibuster the bill to read your name into the record from the floor of the Senate.

Here's what the Washington Post wrote about it last week: Imagine a country where the government is able to shut down Web sites at the slightest provocation, where elected representatives invoke fears of "overseas pirates" to defend the interests of domestic industries, and where Internet companies like Google must cave in to the demands of government censors or risk being shut down. Just fill out the form at right to ask your lawmakers to oppose these Internet censorship bills. This recent Washington Post article provides a concise overview of what's wrong with these bills.