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zMNtwAr.jpg (701×3976) p1ZMJrt.jpg (800×1131) Reddit-chart-illusion-choice.png (960×568) Congress_large.png (2880×4800) How to Know When to Go to the ER. 23 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 18 Google+ 5 Pin It Share 0 28 23 Flares ×

How to Know When to Go to the ER

KnvoW.jpg (1280×4508) Money Chart. Senzs.jpg (567×2753) The Evolution of the iPhone [INFOGRAPHIC] Infographic Created By: AudienceBloom Looking to grow your traffic?

The Evolution of the iPhone [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our managed SEO and social campaigns and high domain authority link building will increase your presence and organic search engine traffic! Want more great resources? Check out our new Resource Library, with over 100 expert articles spanning all aspects of online marketing, divided into 16 chapters. About the author. Eve of iPhone 5 Launch: Smartphones Effect on the World. XbVPt.jpg (800×6009) Google.gif (800×8848) How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time - StumbleUpon.

I admit it.

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time - StumbleUpon

When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Boy was I wrong. Rock-paper-scissors isn't just a silly game kids play or a way to decide who has to be the designated driver at parties. Males have a tendency to throw rock on their first try, inexperienced RPS players will subconsciously deliver the item that won previously, and paper is thrown least often, so use it as a surprise.

913_internet_history.jpg (700×4625) Tech Hiring Trends 2012: What You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC] Job trend reports are pointing to big things for the tech industry, including lots of openings and opportunities for growth.

Tech Hiring Trends 2012: What You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here's the lowdown on tech hiring trends. In 2012, there will be increased demand for mobile app developers, data warehouse analysts and user experience designers. Consider the number of people companies will need to hire to build mobile applications across platforms for Apple products, Android and other smartphones. We have previously reported that the smartphone app downloads are projected to grow from 10.9 billion in 2010 to 76.9 billion in 2014. SEE ALSO: Are Cover Letters Still Relevant For Social Media and Tech Jobs? Executive vice president of Acquity Group Jim Newman, whose team created the infographic below, believes the current tech hiring trends shows that top tech companies including Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft are hiring like crazy despite the global economic downturn. - StumbleUpon. Mobile marketing on the rise. From 2009 to 2010 mobile marketing has increased by 75% to almost $1.5 billion.

Mobile marketing on the rise

This figure is expected to rise in two years to 2.3 billion almost doubling in size. If you’re wondering why advertisers and marketers are investing at mobile just look at the difference in engagement between mobile and PC where users are spending about a minute on their average Internet session, but more than half that time on mobile sites—4.3 minutes in total! Infographic presented by 2D barcode service Microsoft Tag. Nuclear Fusion- Pipe Dream or Game Changer? & WellHome. Information Transfer Amounts. It’s common knowledge that the amount of online rich media consumption is increasing exponentially on an annual basis.

Information Transfer Amounts

But how much video traffic is projected over the next five years? And what does this growth really mean for global residential, business, and mobile subscribers and the service providers that support them? Well, to begin, we need to expand our traffic terminology. Today we live in a world of petabytes and exabytes but according to the latest findings from the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI), we’ll need to add the term “zettabyte” to our vocabulary by 2015.

So, how much exactly is a zettabyte? A zettabyte is roughly 1000 exabytes. By 2015, the majority of global Internet traffic (61 percent) will be in some form of video—Internet video-to-PC, Internet video-to-TV, mobile video, et al.The “dawn of the Zettabyte era” will be an unprecedented online milestone that will occur in our lifetime. Are you ready for the zettabyte era? Tags: data, infographic, zettabyte.