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Allergies and the Gut Microbiome

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Allergies and Your Gut. Got Allergies? Your Microbes Could Be Responsible. Every mucosal surface on your body is colonized by a distinct group of microbes, including your gut, lungs, and nasal passages.

Got Allergies? Your Microbes Could Be Responsible

Far from causing harm, these microbes “teach” your immune system to tolerate dietary proteins and other harmless allergens in the environment. Read on to learn how disruption of your resident microbes might be associated with your allergies, and learn what steps you can take to alleviate your worst symptoms. You may have noticed that microbes have been a key focus of my blog lately. The microbiota is a rapidly growing field of research, and disruption of the microbiota, or “dysbiosis,” has been implicated in many chronic diseases (1). The ability to manipulate the microbiota using dietary and lifestyle interventions makes it a prime target for a functional approach to disease treatment. What Causes Allergies and Autoimmune Disorders? Allergies and autoimmune disease are reaching epidemic proportions — not just in the U.S. and Europe, but in the rest of the industrially developing world.

What Causes Allergies and Autoimmune Disorders?

Asthma, celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus — all are on the rise. Even certain conditions not previously considered immune disorders, such as autism, metabolic syndrome and obesity, are now seen as manifestations of immune dysfunction. What caused all this? Gut Health and Food Allergies (Plus: 14 Easy Paleo Foods Swaps for Kids) Gut Microbiota and Allergic Disease. New Insights. The Influence of the Microbiome on Allergic Sensitization to Food.

Video Talk: You and Your Microbiome: Is This Why I’m Allergic to Peanuts? (1:17 h) Cooling Inflammation: Preventing Allergies. The cause of allergies and autoimmune degenerative diseases is inflammation.

Cooling Inflammation: Preventing Allergies

As a scientist, I am concerned with how the body works at the molecular level. I try to understand how molecules of cells interact to cause disease. So if you tell me that you have an allergy, I want to understand how you became allergic and I am much less interested in how you avoid triggering your allergy. If you say that your allergy is triggered by ragweed pollen, I want to know the shape and structure of the proteins or carbohydrates of the pollen that actually come in contact with receptors on the surface of your cells and trigger the allergic response, but I also want to trace those interactions back to the original events that started the allergy. Cooling Inflammation: Allergy, Asthma, Autoimmunity Start the Same Way.

Inflammation is the current medical buzzword.

Cooling Inflammation: Allergy, Asthma, Autoimmunity Start the Same Way

Name the disease and inflammation is there. Reproduction Requires Controlled InflammationAspirin blocks many of the steps in triggering inflammation and thus, aspirin administration can be used to reveal a role of inflammation in many unexpected places. Cooling Inflammation: Antibiotics, Gut Flora, Food Intolerance and Disease. Cattle Are Finished by Selective Killing of Gut Flora.

Cooling Inflammation: Antibiotics, Gut Flora, Food Intolerance and Disease

The Sickened Animals Store Fat that Grills Great. People Get Metabolic Syndrome. The likening of modern humans to potatoes sacked out on a couch is misleading. The obesity epidemic linked to diets of processed foods more closely resembles the stumbling progression of cattle to abattoir. Cooling Inflammation: Health in Diagrams I — Gut Flora and Diet. This is the first of three posts to summarize my thoughts on diet, inflammation and disease mediated by gut flora.

Cooling Inflammation: Health in Diagrams I — Gut Flora and Diet

I decided that I needed to make my points as explicit as possible by putting them down in diagrams and making references to my other posts. By the time I finish, I will reach my 200th blog post at Cooling Inflammation. Everyone Leaves Out Gut Flora I want to first explain and diagram my current understanding of the relationship between gut flora (the complex community of hundreds of different types of bacteria and fungi in the intestines) and diet. My impression is that many people have health problems based on diet, but when they try to heal their health, they fix their diet and see only limited benefits. Health Requires a Match between Diet and Gut Flora. Cooling Inflammation: Cause of Autoimmunity and Allergies. Inflammation-Induced Presentation by Mannose Receptor Speculation on how innocuous proteins become the targets of our immune systems, and result in allergies, asthma, celiac, arthritis, lupus, and other inflammatory autoimmune diseases.

Cooling Inflammation: Cause of Autoimmunity and Allergies

Inflammation It all starts with chronic inflammation. In most cases diet is the predominant source of inflammation, but infections (bacterial, viral, fungal) may also contribute. Cooling Inflammation: Autoimmunity, Allergies and Basic Triplets. Basic Triplets Only in Primate Forms and Allergens I have examined the proteins, autoantigens, that are the focus of a dozen autoimmune diseases and a similar number of allergens.

Cooling Inflammation: Autoimmunity, Allergies and Basic Triplets

All of these proteins have basic triplets that I previously associated with heparin-binding. I have had two recent revelations. First, these triplets appear to not be involved with heparan sulfate proteoglycans for internalization. In fact, HSPGs don’t appear to be involved, even though the process is inhibited by heparin. The second interesting observation is that the mouse, cat, dog, etc. versions of the human autoantigens lack the basic triplets.

Cooling Inflammation: Genetics of Food Intolerance. Food intolerance is based on missing bacteria in the the gut rather than inadequacy of human enzymes, e.g. lactase, or altered immune system.

Cooling Inflammation: Genetics of Food Intolerance

I make the extreme statement that food intolerance is not genetic, to emphasize that the vast majority of intolerance can be cured by changing the bacterial composition of the gut's microbiological community, the gut flora, rather than attempting to accommodate a permanent deficiency. The two common "intolerances" that are offered by my readers to invalidate my sweeping statement are lactose and gluten (celiac) intolerance.

Lactose Intolerance is Not Due to Inadequate Lactase Everybody has the same gene for lactase, but some people have altered upstream control elements and continue to express lactase in their intestinal cells after infancy, whereas others don't. Lactose is the major sugar present in milk and the ability of the intestines to utilize lactose directly like glucose is a selective advantage for human evolution. Cooling Inflammation: Helminths, Oligosaccharides and Immunotolerance. Parasitic worms reverse allergies and autoimmune diseases using oligosaccharides to mimic self and silence immune over-responsiveness.

Cooling Inflammation: Helminths, Oligosaccharides and Immunotolerance

Helminth therapy, i.e. infection with parasitic intestinal worms to provide remission from allergies, inflammatory bowel and other autoimmune diseases, has been examined as a potential therapeutic model to rehabilitate immunological dysfunction. The surface oligosaccharides of these worms have been found to mimic human oligosaccharides and alter immune responses by binding to carbohydrate-binding, i.e. lectin, receptors. Health Diagrams II — Curing Autoimmunity and Allergies. In this second in a series of posts explaining the concepts that I think are central, but misunderstood, about health, I am focusing on how diet and gut flora impact the immune system and cause autoimmunity and allergies.

This cause also suggests a simple cure. Gut Flora to Tregs to Suppression of Autoimmunity It is important to understand at the outset that autoimmunity and allergies are caused by a damaged immune system, and repairing the damage cures the diseases. Hyperlipid: Casein and gluten and gastric pH. In a very interesting paper from Bloggeier on rheumatoid disease and multiple food allergies (worth a post on its own) there was this snippet: "Thus infants are prone to develop cow’s milk allergy while their gastric acidity is pH 3–4 (compared with pH 2 in adults); at pH 4 the degradation of a-lactalbumin, BSA, and bovine IgG is markedly reduced in contrast to b lactoglobulin".

Following the ref gave this abstract. Just a pity that they didn't look at casein too. It brought to mind the idea that taking gastric acidity suppressing drugs is possibly the best technique we've developed to get ourselves a food allergy, obviously excluding wheat consumption. Of course the combination is probably a cracker. Hyperlipid: Casein vs gluten. Milk production is a demand driven process. I was thinking at the biological level, rather than at the economy level. When a newborn baby drops water weight, which he does as he uses up his glycogen before starting to feed properly, there comes a "tick box" percentage drop in weight at which your UK midwife will start asking if you'd like to give a formula feed, "just while his mother's milk comes in".

But it's a demand and supply system. How can demand possibly work to increase supply if the baby is full of denatured cow casein and fast asleep? The shut down of milk production at the end (or start!) High-fiber diet alters gut bacteria to protect against food allergy. Allergies, probiotics and diet. Probiotics For Allergies? – Lacto Bacto. Prebiotics for the prevention of allergies: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - Cuello-Garcia - 2017 - Clinical & Experimental Allergy. Background Prevalence of allergic diseases in infants is approximately 10% reaching 20 to 30% in those with an allergic first-degree relative. Prebiotics are selectively fermented food ingredients that allow specific changes in composition/activity of the gastrointestinal microflora.

They modulate immune responses, and their supplementation has been proposed as an intervention to prevent allergies. Objective. Seasonal Allergies and Probiotics. If you suffer seasonal allergies, this just might be the idea you’ve been waiting for. As spring approaches, you may find yourself dreading the sniffles, sneezes, and watery eyes that come with the season. The common remedies are OTC allergy meds such as Zyrtec, Claritin, and Allegra. If you are hit really hard, there’s a full line of prescription meds from Acrivastine to Veramyst. I have a better alternative! Please read all the way to the end. tl/dr – Probiotics, especially Elixa, might be better than traditional allergy meds! Early-life gut microbiome and egg allergy - Fazlollahi - 2018 - Allergy. Probiotic could help alleviate hay fever symptoms.

Are food allergies overdiagnosed? Treating severe nickel allergies with probiotics — The American Microbiome Institute. Systematic nickel allergy syndrome (SNAS) is a severe reaction to nickel, a metal that is found in nature and most human food sources. The Truth About “Lactose Intolerance” I’ve wanted to address this one for a while.

Respect the microbiota. Eczema & L. Plantarum Success Stories. Thought I’d do a roundup of some of the reader reports that popped up throughout the past month… After not achieving any success with the standard dermatological approaches, Mary has cleared up her eczema completely using the L. plantarum probiotic: Thank you for the advice on taking probiotics for eczema. Eczema & Probiotics: Personal Update, Reader Reports, and the Respiratory Connection. Clostridia & Food Allergies: Excellent News, Silly Conclusions. Dogs, Dust Microbes, and Allergies. WIKIMEDIA, BEV SYKESA pet dog can bring joy, companionship, and security to a home.

Dogs are the worst enemy of asthma and childhood allergies. Pets alter infants' microbiota to lower risk of allergies, obesity. House dust exposure [with dogs] mediates gut microbiome Lactobacillus enrichment and airway immune defense against allergens and virus infection. Diet high in fiber and vitamin A key to preventing allergies to peanuts and other triggers.

Eating a diet rich in fibre can actually shape the immune system to reduce allergies to substances such as peanuts, new research shows. Gut microbiota protect against peanut allergen sensitization. Cooling Inflammation: Peanut Allergy Cause and Cure. Summary: The cure for peanut allergy should follow naturally from knowledge of the cause. Yet another link between allergies and the microbiome — The American Microbiome Institute. Tree nut allergy: Avoiding all tree nuts 'may not be necessary' Dietary fibre/short-chain fatty acids and vitamin A may protect mice against peanut allergy via gut microbiota - Gut Microbiota for Health. The incidence of food allergies has increased dramatically in western countries over the past 20 years and the gut microbiota seems to be a promising target for preventing and treating them. However, mechanisms by which gut microbiota is involved in the loss of oral tolerance remain unclear.

The researchers examined the beneficial roles of dietary fibre in peanut allergy using mice. Treating peanut allergy  Bacterial exposures necessary for decreasing risk of allergy. 'Surprising' number of food allergies begin in adulthood, study says. Food Allergies Linked To Overactive Immune System At Birth. The immunology of the allergy epidemic and the hygiene hypothesis.