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Dangerously Irrelevant. End the Tyranny of the Self-Contained Classroom. Finland Schools' Success Story: Lessons Shared At California Forum. STANFORD, Calif. -- Finland is this decade's shiny icon of classroom success, the repeat winner of top results in a global ranking of national school systems.

Finland Schools' Success Story: Lessons Shared At California Forum

That's why academics, teachers and government officials gathered at Stanford University last week to talk about what makes the Scandinavian country's schools so good. And what lessons might Americans have learned at the Empowerment Through Learning in a Global World Conference, a gathering organized by Stanford and the Finnish Consulate? That the Finns emphasize equality, collaboration and a wellness-oriented public school system -- but that their standardized exams can be high-stakes, too. "A lot of our own experiences were initially American ideas," said Pasi Sahlberg, a Finnish education official and author of the new book "Finnish Lessons," who spoke at the conference. Blog. I am grateful for… With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am taking some time to reflect on just how very fortunate I am.


Since becoming a connected educator in 2011, my learning world has expanded beyond my expectations and then some. I know that many of the successes our school is experiencing would not have been realized without this support. Here are a few people and groups that have recently made an impact on my professional and personal life. I am grateful for my All Things PLC (#atplc) Voxer group. Read more Upcoming free webinars: Peek inside the Life of a Connected Learner Peek inside the Life of a Connected Learner Spend an hour chatting with us and find out about our unique brand of coached, team-based professional learning and how to learn like connected learners do – through action research, lesson plan studies, virtual classroom visits, and more.

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI):Department. What Qualities do "Bold Schools" Share? First, let me thank everyone who commented and Tweeted examples of “bold schools” over the last few days.

What Qualities do "Bold Schools" Share?

Very much appreciated, and over the next few weeks I’m planning to dig into the list and make some connections and inquiries around the learning that’s going on in those places. Meantime, if you have any other ideas for schools that might be worth checking out, I’d invite you to add them to the doc. Why I’m so excited about QuadBlogging « Learning Mosaic. January 22, 2012 at 11:40 am | Posted in Blogging, Collaboration, Global Collaboration, Literacy | 3 Comments QuadBlogging is a 4-week experience with 3 other classes around the world.

Why I’m so excited about QuadBlogging « Learning Mosaic

During each of the four weeks, one class blog is designated for viewing and feedback. Do Learning Styles Really Exist? Do learning styles exist?

Do Learning Styles Really Exist?

Let me answer that by saying, most definitely ‘yes’. In saying that, though, I do realise that I appear to be swimming against the tide of opinion. Over the last few years, it seems, more academics have been coming out to try to dismiss the notion of ‘learning styles’. Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed. By Greg Green, Special to CNN.

Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed

In The Future, Learning Will Begin At The End. Here’s an experience that every aspiring guitarist has had: After weeks of anticipation, full of mirror air jam sessions and dreams of stadium solos, you buy your first busted guitar - almost certainly a Stratocaster or Les Paul knock off.

In The Future, Learning Will Begin At The End

You find an instructor and begin lessons, starting slowly with learning about notes and chords. But pretty soon, you - as much as you hate to admit it - get a little bored, and start to spend less and less time trying to learn note names and the difference between a sharp and a seventh. Instead, you head to the wide chaotic world of the internet, where tab sites do away with all of theory and just tell you where to put your damn fingers to rock out.

21stC ed

Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool. The lecture is one of the oldest forms of education there is.

Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool

"Before printing someone would read the books to everybody who would copy them down," says Joe Redish, a physics professor at the University of Maryland. But lecturing has never been an effective teaching technique and now that information is everywhere, some say it's a waste of time. Indeed, physicists have the data to prove it. When Eric Mazur began teaching physics at Harvard, he started out teaching the same way he had been taught. 2011 Lesson #3 – “Do then think”: take risks. Avalon learning space in action - kids love the ideas wall Okay … this lesson probably commenced in my early childhood if I count the number of hospital visits from bumping into (stupidly designed) concrete telegraph poles in Auckland, slipping off high chairs to raid the top kitchen cupboards or eating poisonous plants because they looked nice.

2011 Lesson #3 – “Do then think”: take risks

But the notion of learning by doing really took ground in 2005 when I visited the Icelandic Ministry of Education. Their motto: ‘do then think’. Why, because if you wish to see transformation occur in education, then you haven’t got the luxury of small scale carefully monitored and measured experiments – you have to run with passion, intuition and confidence instead.