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Tutorials. Andrew Price. Blender Tutorials, Podcasts, Competitions & Products! - The largest free blueprint collection on the Internet. [CG Textures] - Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop!


BlenderArt Magazine. BlenderNation — Blender Tutorials, Blender Art, Blender Community, Blender Development. The Big Issues. With the upcoming release of Blender 2.5, the industry is now watching our every move. But how are we portraying ourselves to the outside world? In this presentation, I highlight some of the problems that are holding us back, and possible solutions on how to fix them. Text Version Not a fan of long videos? No problem! Intro In this presentation I will be discussing the Big Issues – What we are doing wrong.

There are four main issues that I will discuss in this presentation. Issue #1: Unclear Goals If you’ve ever been to the Blender forums before you will probably recognize this situation: Lots of people with lots of opinions. Everyone seems to have the answer for what needs improving and not surprisingly we never seem to get anywhere. Businesses usually track this sort of data by distributing an opinion poll. Here’s a screenshot of the online survey: The survey had one goal: To find out who is using Blender and why. Over the course of 3 months I received 3,434 submissions. Let’s begin… Results.