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Mibbu, HTML5 javascript game framework, canvas, DOM. Mibbu – Framework Javascript para Games | Jaydson. ME | Tech. Mrdoob/three.js - GitHub.


RegEx. Crockford on JavaScript: The Complete Series. The 11 JavaScript Mistakes you’re Making. A JavaScript Module Pattern. Eric Miraglia (@miraglia) is an engineering manager for the YUI project at Yahoo. Eric has been at Yahoo since 2003, working on projects ranging from Yahoo Sports to YUI. For the past several years, Eric and his colleagues on the YUI team have worked to establish YUI as the foundation for Yahoo’s frontend engineering work while open-sourcing the project and sharing it with the world under a liberal BSD license.

Eric is an editor and frequent contributor to YUIBlog; his personal blog is at Prior to working at Yahoo, Eric taught writing at Stanford and elsewhere and led frontend engineering teams at several startups. Global variables are evil. Within YUI, we use only two globals: YAHOO and YAHOO_config. Everthing in YUI makes use of members within the YAHOO object hierarchy or variables that are scoped to such a member. 1. YAHOO.namespace("myProject"); This assigns an empty object myProject as a member of YAHOO (but doesn’t overwrite myProject if it already exists). 2. JavaScript Garden. Although JavaScript deals fine with the syntax of two matching curly braces for blocks, it does not support block scope; hence, all that is left in the language is function scope. function test() { // a scope for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // not a scope // count } console.log(i); // 10} There are also no distinct namespaces in JavaScript, which means that everything gets defined in one globally shared namespace.

Each time a variable is referenced, JavaScript will traverse upwards through all the scopes until it finds it. In the case that it reaches the global scope and still has not found the requested name, it will raise a ReferenceError. The Bane of Global Variables // script Afoo = '42'; // script Bvar foo = '42' The above two scripts do not have the same effect. Again, that is not at all the same effect: not using var can have major implications. // global scopevar foo = 42;function test() { // local scope foo = 21;}test();foo; // 21 Local Variables var foo = 3; bar = 4;}test(10); Hoisting. Processing.js. Demos below! As a sort-of reverse birthday present I’ve decided to release one of my largest projects, in recent memory.

This is the project that I’ve been alluding to for quite some time now: I’ve ported the Processing visualization language to JavaScript, using the Canvas element. I’ve been working on this project, off-and-on now, for the past 7 months – it’s been a fun, and quite rewarding, challenge. The full scope of the project can be broken down into two portions: The Processing Language The first portion of the project was writing a parser to dynamically convert code written in the Processing language, to JavaScript.

It works “fairly well” (in that it’s able to handle anything that the web site throws at it) but I’m sure its total scope is limited (until a proper parser is involved). The language includes a number of interesting aspects, many of which are covered in the basic demos. The Processing API The second portion of the project is the full 2d Processing API. JSLint,The JavaScript Code Quality Tool. Learning JavaScript.