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PSLE Tuition Singapore - 88tuition

Does My Children Need Tuition? Tips to score A grade in PSLE English Exams. How to crack PSLE English exams? Important Benefits Of Online Classes - 88tuition. How to eliminate careless mistakes during maths exams. How can parents help in improving children's learning style. Online tuition as effective as school learning. Improve your children's grade within 6months. Online English Tuition - All You Need To know. How to make your children ace school exams. How To Overcome Childrens Learning Problems. How To Excel In English Language Writing Skills. Why do children learn science from schools? Top Things To Do For Enhancing Your Kids Learning Ability. 6 Best Educational Apps for Singapore Kids (iOS/Android) Most of the kids across the globe are glued to their mobile devices.

6 Best Educational Apps for Singapore Kids (iOS/Android)

They love watching YouTube videos or like playing games on their smartphones or tablets. The modern-day kids spend more time on screens than ever before and this isn't a bad thing. Kids can have fun as well as learn a lot of new things through educational apps. Parents can provide apt guidance to their kids and help them use their smartphones in a better way. Here is a list of apps that we encountered recently and find it both fun and educative to use: Sushi Monster If you want your kids to learn the fundamentals of math in a fun way, then Sushi Monster is the app to go to.

Science360 How many of you feel Science is a boring subject? The Human Body. Pros and Cons of homeschooling in Singapore – Online PSLE Tuition. When it comes to homeschooling, many of them have varied opinions and thoughts to share.

Pros and Cons of homeschooling in Singapore – Online PSLE Tuition

Well, homeschooling is slowly a developing one in the Indian education system, the same homeschooling has been made legal in most of the foreign countries and one such country is Singapore. Singapore has not only made homeschooling legal, but it has been very successful in terms of achieving compulsory education, where the students come out in bright colors.

The country has been able to achieve this because of an excelling governing body known as the SEAB or Singapore Examination Assessment Board. They conduct national exams in Singapore and also provide assessment services. When we talk about the pros and cons of homeschooling, though there could be many differing ideas on the same, we need to keep in mind the overall positive and negative attributes of homeschooling. I. Ii. Iii. Iv. 7 Things You Must Know Before You Enrol Your Kid in a Private School in Singapore. There are plenty of private schools in Singapore.

7 Things You Must Know Before You Enrol Your Kid in a Private School in Singapore

You got over 300 private schools offering around 5000 courses. It is important for parents to do thorough research before enrolling their kids in a private school. To get you started, here is a list of things that you need to keep in mind while doing your research: School Registration Make sure that the private school is registered with CPE and also review the school's registration period, expiry date and its track record over the years. Parenting Tips: 5 Tips to pick the best English tutor for your kid!

It is important for us to help our kids get the basics right in all of their important subjects - English, Science, and Mathematics.

Parenting Tips: 5 Tips to pick the best English tutor for your kid!

Only when kids learn the roots of a subject in the best way, they will be able to learn the succeeding concepts in an effective way. Especially, for a subject like English, it is important that kids learn grammar, vocabulary and the usage of words in a perfect manner. This will help them build their communication skill and help them in the long run. How to master the English language, the accent and the powers of it – Online PSLE Tuition. Learning the English language isn’t a tough task.

How to master the English language, the accent and the powers of it – Online PSLE Tuition

In fact, if you put in the right efforts and learn with interest, English can be learned very easily. Learning English is not just about going to an institute or taking up an online course. Training can help you, but then considerable effort needs to come from your end. English movies The best way to learn anything is to make the process effortless. Storybooks and novels Reading English storybooks can be very effective. Videos. Why is English tuition required for your kid in Singapore? – Online PSLE Tuition.

English is a universal language and it is important for you to help your kid get proficient in it.

Why is English tuition required for your kid in Singapore? – Online PSLE Tuition

For a better understanding of different subject concepts, it is important that your kid has a better command over English. Moreover, to explore global career opportunities, it is important to master English. For this and a lot more reasons, you need to pick the right English tutor for your kid. Classroom learning sessions are more about following the syllabus. Each and every kid won’t get personalized attention. How many of you shy away from public gatherings and events just because you need to interact with people?

However technically good you are, if you need to crack job interviews for managerial posts, you need to have good communication skills. 5 Steps to a balanced life for your kids in Singapore! – Online PSLE Tuition. Each and every kid lives a different lifestyle.

5 Steps to a balanced life for your kids in Singapore! – Online PSLE Tuition

However, there are a few things that your kids can follow for their own benefit. By following, they can lead a balanced life devoid of stress and tension. They can also achieve big in their domain of interest. Patience Kids need to be taught to be patient about things at a very young age. How to master the English language, the accent and the powers of it – Online PSLE Tuition.

10 BEST WAYS TO MOTIVATE YOUR KIDS TO DO WELL IN PSLE EXAMS – Online Tuition Singapore. It’s always been a great challenge for the parents to make their kids do well in their exams as they are so hard to be handled.


When it comes to kids it’s important to deal with delicate care. Anything could easily influence the kids not to study. As they are kids they will get distracted more often and hard to make them be focused on their Exams. The more they concentrate they will be successful. There are some of the best ways to motivate your kids about education and the PSLE exams. Always make an easy path for the kids to learn peacefully. These are some of the best ways to motivate your kids about PSLE education. How to learn English effectively? English is a universal language and it is important that our kids learn it well.

How to learn English effectively?

If they could converse well in English, they will be able to crack job interviews easily and also give speeches during meetings and public gatherings in a flawless way. So, how can children be taught to speak English really well? Apart from the classroom learning sessions, children can be exposed to a lot of other activities that will help improve their proficiency in English. Books! Develop the habit of reading books in your children. Why is Science tuition required in Singapore? Study tips: How to improve my kid's English vocabulary? – Online PSLE Tuition. A great English vocabulary is essential along with punctuation, grammar and many others to construct the perfect English sentences.

Study tips: How to improve my kid's English vocabulary? – Online PSLE Tuition

English vocabulary makes the language more powerful and effective. Building your vocabulary is the basic step you require to master the language. Here are a few tips to improve your English vocabulary. Reading everyday helps you to learn new words. Try to read a well written article, magazine or the newspaper every day to collect information regarding current affairs and also learn new words. Private & Group Tuition Rates: Is Tuition Worth it in Singapore? – Online PSLE Tuition.

There are different kinds of tuition – Private tuition (online tutoring/classroom sessions) and group tuition which is most often classroom-based. Both of these come with their own share of positives and negatives. In the case of private tuition, a child gets more personalized attention. However, a child won’t have any peer pressure to perform well. This negative aspect of private tuition turns into a positive pointer for group tuition.

In group tuitions, children are all taught together and the peer pressure will force them to perform better. As parents, you need to understand the learning pattern of your kids. The learning platform should come in as a cost-effective option for the parents. Tuition For Parents: Boon or Bane? – Online PSLE Tuition. Parents enroll their kids for tuition mainly because of two reasons. One reason is that they don’t have sufficient time to spend with their kids on studies. The second reason would be that they want their kids to learn more than what is mentioned in the academics. There is a wide range of additional learning options available for the current generation of kids. Parents need to make sure that they pick the right learning platform for their kids.

A platform that helps their kids learn the subject concepts in an easier manner. There are many advantages of picking an online learning platform for your kids. A PARENT’S GUIDE TO FIND THE BEST SCIENCE TUITION IN SINGAPORE – Online PSLE Tuition. As a parent, deciding whether your kid needs a tutor can be stressful if you are going through a period where you don’t have enough income to hire a tutor or if your child is embarrassed about falling behind and won’t admit he needs extra attention apart from what is being taught in class. But not every tutoring method is costly. Kids can boost their confidence either through individual or group tutoring.

Before hiring a tutor, you need to determine the time period whether you need for a short period or long period depending on what areas of study your kid needs to focus more. Even if it from the basics or an advanced portion. Why Education in Singapore is so Good? – Online PSLE Tuition. Education in Singapore is receiving a lot of praise in recent times.

This has been the trend this whole decade. From being a low skill labor-driven market, the Government has managed to create an advanced education system where graduates acquire highly skilled jobs. According to statistics, the children in Singapore are at least 10 months ahead of students in western countries and in particular, 20 months ahead of others in mathematics. Education in Singapore is superior and the reason behind this is that the Singapore syllabus concentrates on teaching students the problem-solving skills and the subjects in a more practical manner. The curriculum is highly focused on helping the kids to learn practical skills to solve practical problems in the real world. Singapore authorities involved in framing the education system constantly try to reevaluate and improve the education system.

TOP 10 REASONS FOR LEARNING MATH WITH A MATH TUTOR – Online PSLE Tuition. Math is an interesting subject, you either love it or hate it. Some prefer algebra and calculus, others prefer geometry or mental math. Learning math is important for problem solving in our society or whatever job we do as it would require some basic level of calculations at least.

Here are ten reasons why kids should learn math with a math tutor. Lack of a good foundation: Students sometimes tend to skip some basics classes or barely understand certain topics discussed in class. This will definitely impact on the learning process while going ahead discussing major topics. How to Help Your Kids at the Start of their Secondary School – Online PSLE Tuition. Beginning secondary school is another huge milestone in your kid’s life. Along with it comes a lot of excitement and the challenges a kid has to face while at a new environment. New classroom and making new friends, meeting new teachers and learning to cope up with a new syllabus are challenges every kid face in the beginning of secondary school. How to learn English effectively? Finding the perfect online learning platform for your kid! – Online PSLE Tuition.

Online learning has becoming a growing trend in the last few years. Since the modern-day kids are more into the mobile world, online learning comes in as an ideal option to supplement their learning. Why is science tuition required in Singapore? – Online PSLE Tuition. Science is an interesting subject to learn if taught in the best way. If you are to miss out concepts, it could get confusing at times and your child might find it difficult to learn. Many parents around the globe rely on private tuitions for their kids to learn Science efficiently.

In the classroom sessions, it is impossible for every child to get individual attention and there would be kids of all learning levels. Singapore Parents: Should You Let Your Kids Use the Internet in Singapore? – Online PSLE Tuition. We are currently living in the age of the Internet. The digital world and the technological advancements it has brought into existence have influenced each and every human being in a different. There is no doubt that the internet has resulted in a lot of crimes across the world. However, the number of pros overcomes the number of cons in almost every dimension. How to find a good English tutor for my kid? - PSLE Tuition Singapore. Why do we need science? Why should children learn science in school? - PSLE Tuition Singapore. Learning Mathematics effectively through Online Videos! – Online PSLE Tuition. Mathematics is that kind of a subject which if not taught well to the students can result in serious trouble in the later stages of schooling.

The basics need to be taught well and only this will help them understand mathematical concepts better in the later stages. Do remember that the basics are what will also help you to manage your day-to-day lives in a perfect manner. How far has online learning reached? - king david - Medium. Technological advancement is a continuous process. Every single day you see some new invention or advancement that surprises the entire world. How far has online learning reached? – Online PSLE Tuition. How effective is online tuition for Mathematics? – Online PSLE Tuition. Mathematics is the kind of subject that has a lot of haters than lovers. It has a lot to do with the manner in which the subject is taught. Students usually learn a subject well when they are fond of the tutor and can easily understand the topics taught. Understand Mathematics better through Online Tuition! – Online PSLE Tuition.

Mathematics has been one of the many reasons for the nightmares of school-goers. Well, the word “mathematics” is obviously going to take you back to your childhood where you faced a lot of issues understanding and solving problems. If you belong to the list of children who loved mathematics and solved problems with ease, then well and good! How to Pick the Ideal Platform for Online Learning? Picking the Ideal Platform for online learning. Why Encourage Your Kid to do Online Learning? – Online PSLE Tuition. Information has become universal with the ability of people to access it from any place at any point of time. With smart devices and the internet charges getting low, most people have access to any kind of information at their finger tips. This kind of technological advancements have had a significant impact in most industries. Medicine and education are top industries which have had serious transformations in because of technological advancements.

How to Pick the Ideal Platform for Online Learning? – Online PSLE Tuition. Why Encourage Your Kid to do Online Learning? - king david - Medium. How effective is Online learning? – Online PSLE Tuition. How effective is Online learning? - king david - Medium. Making your kid familiar with Online Learning! – 88tuition – Online PSLE Tuition. Making your kid familiar with Online Learning! — 88tuition. Making education easier and engaging to children! - king david - Medium. Making education easier and engaging to children! – Online PSLE Tuition. A comprehensive online learning platform for P1-PSLE-’O’ Level Students. A comprehensive online learning platform for P1-PSLE-‘O’ Level Students – Online PSLE Tuition.

How Effective Is Online Learning For PSLE? - king david - Medium. Online Tuition – A Comprehensive Learning Platform for Students! – Online PSLE Tuition. How Effective Is Online Learning For PSLE? – Online PSLE Tuition. Join PSLE Mathematics Tuition Online – Why? – Online PSLE Tuition. How the New PSLE Scoring system will work? – Online PSLE Tuition. Making Maths an interesting subject to learn! – Online PSLE Tuition. How to increase your child’s interest in a subject ? – Online PSLE Tuition. How to help your kid perform optimum during their examinations? How to review your PSLE preparation? - king david - Medium. How effective is online learning? – Online PSLE Tuition.

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