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PowerDbg - Automated Debugging using WinDbg and PowerShell. PowerShell Remote File Explorer. Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework. CodePlexProject Hosting for Open Source Software Documentation All-In-One Code Framework Sample Catalog Follow Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework in ASP.NET Code Samples Silverlight Code Samples Windows Azure Code Samples WPF Code Samples Windows Forms Code Samples Windows 7 Code Samples Data Platform Code Samples Office Development Code Samples Windows Workflow Code Samples Interop and Fusion Code Samples Windows Base and .NET General Code Samples Windows UI Code Samples Security Code Samples Windows Shell Code Samples XML Code Samples COM Code Samples IPC and RPC Code Samples Diagnostics Code Samples Visual Studio Extensibility Code Samples File System Code Samples IIS Code Samples Windows Service Code Samples Last edited May 2, 2011 at 8:20 AM by Jialiang, version 80 Comments Lempinen_Sami Jan 20, 2012 at 3:19 PM Hi,Thank you for all the features. pgklada Aug 12, 2011 at 3:27 PM you really should make a category of examples named "facebook-related"...

This is great. HI ! Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Database. Note: By default Windows Server 2008 security is configured to prevent the download of these installers. Changing this security configuration is not recommended on production servers. Please see Windows Server documentation for information on how to change these settings. To install all the sample databases for SQL Server 2008 perform the following steps: Ensure all prerequisites are met. See Database Prerequisites for detailed prerequisite instructions. Note that database installation will not complete unless all prerequisites are met.Using the object explorer in SSMS delete any earlier version of the AdventureWorks sample databases you may have installed.Using the file explorer ensure all .MDF and .LDF files have been deleted from the data directory for all sample databases in the instance you will be installing the new sample databases.

Click the I agree license agreement check box, then click the Next button. When the installation is complete, click the Finish button. Stylecop - Release: 4.5 Preview. Sandcastle Help File Builder. Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Database. Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework. Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Database.

Introduction AdventureWorksLT is a new sample database based on the Adventure Works Cycles scenario. See MSDN for more information about this scenario and the other sample databases which are available. The purpose of the AdventureWorksLT database is to provide a simple, small database sample focused on a product sales scenario. You can find the schema diagram for AdventureWorksLT and the other sample databases here. AdventureWorksLT is simpler and smaller in the following ways: The schema design is denormalized compared with AdventureWorks. To obtain useful information either requires no joins, or fewer joins compared with AdventureWorks.The quantity of data is reduced from about 183mb down to 7mb which makes it more practical to download over slow or unreliable Internet connections.

Installation See the Releases tab for an windows installer package (MSI). There is a SQL Server script in the AWLT folder which you can browse to using the Source Code tab which will build the database.