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Developing OpenERP Web Addons — OpenERP Web 6.1.0pre documentation. OpenERP Web provides two functions to translate human-readable strings in javascript code. These functions should be “imported” in your module by aliasing them to their bare name: importing those functions under any other name is not guaranteed to work. Note only import them if necessary, and only the necessary one(s), no need to clutter your module’s namespace for nothing Text formatting & translations A difficulty when translating is integrating data (from the code) into the translated string.

In OpenERP Web addons, this should be done by wrapping the text to translate in an sprintf(3) call. As much as possible, you should use the “named argument” form of sprintf: named arguments make the string to translate much clearer for translators, and allows them to “move” sections around based on the requirements of their language (not all language order text like english). Named arguments are specified using the following pattern: %($name)$type where $name $type Warning.

OpenERP : à la découverte des addons web : field et widget — Anybox - prestataire OpenERP Paris. Aller au contenu. | Aller à la navigation Outils personnels Se connecter Recherche avancée… Navigation Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Blog / OpenERP : à la découverte des addons web : field et widget OpenERP : à la découverte des addons web : field et widget Un compte-rendu de découverte des éléments de formulaires HTML d'OpenERP web en vue d'un cas concret.

Cela faisait quelque temps que je comptais apprendre un minimum sur les addons web d'OpenERP, j'ai franchi le pas avec un cas concret : remplacer le sélecteur simple sur les catégories dans la page de recherche des produits par un menu dépliable dynamiquement en javascript. Le résultat s'appelle web_dynatree, en référence à la librairie jquery.dynatree sur lequel il est basé, et qui est faite précisément pour ce genre de besoins. Cet article est écrit comme un rapport d'investigation, la documentation sur les addons web étant presque inexistante, mais vous devriez pouvoir aussi le prendre j'espère comme un tutoriel. Premiers pas Widget ou Field ? Project : OpenERP. E-Global IT official partner of OpenERP Malaysia: How to call specific Form / Tree view from Menu?

I have seen at openERP forum , many have asked the same question and since i also went to the forum or web site or google to look for the solutions , and i got the solutions , i am thinking to share here so that some of you can customize with more confidence with openERP , The original documents has this information , which will stay true until version 6.1 ,for 6.2 Aka Version 7 , have to refer back to OpenERP but if you stay tuned , i will try to update , but NO PROMISE O ! Ok , let get started ... The search_view_id field in an action definition is used to specify the search view to use, not theform view, as the name implies. If you want to use a specific form view you should use the view_idfield instead (which is used to specify the main view to open, typically a form or tree one). Here is how you could do it in a Python method: You will find a lot of similar examples in the source code of the official addons, search for code returning'views' or 'view_id'.

Views and Events — OpenERP Server Developers Documentation 7.0b documentation. Introduction to Views As all data of the program is stored in objects, as explained in the Objects section, how are these objects exposed to the user ? We will try to answer this question in this section. First of all, let’s note that every resource type uses its own interface. For example, the screen to modify a partner’s data is not the same as the one to modify an invoice. Then, you have to know that the OpenERP user interface is dynamic, it means that it is not described “statically” by some code, but dynamically built from XML descriptions of the client screens. From now on, we will call these screen descriptions views. A notable characteristic of these views is that they can be edited at any moment (even during the program execution).

Views principles Views describe how each object (type of resource) is displayed. There are two types of views: Note Since OpenERP 4.1, form views can also contain graphs. Form views The field disposition in a form view always follows the same principle. Or <?


FAQ OpenERP. FAQ OpenERPConsultez toutes les FAQ Nombre d'auteurs : 2, nombre de questions : 36, création le 24 mai 2013 Cette FAQ a été réalisée pour répondre aux questions concernant le progiciel de gestion intégré OpenERP. FAQ lues -1 fois. Version PDF Version hors-ligne Les sources présentées sur cette page sont libres de droits et vous pouvez les utiliser à votre convenance. Par contre, la page de présentation constitue une œuvre intellectuelle protégée par les droits d'auteur.