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Not eXactly C. The NXC compiler is available under the Mozilla Public License.[1] A sample code is as shown below: task main() //sets a new task. main() is compulsory { OnFwd(OUT_BC,75); //ask the motors connected to ports B and C to move forward at a power of 75.

Not eXactly C

Wait(5000); //wait for 5 seconds [the value is in milliseconds](note that 1000 = 1 second) Off(OUT_BC); //off the motors connected to ports B and C } See also[edit] External links[edit] References[edit] NXC: Introduction. NXC stands for Not eXactly C.

NXC: Introduction

It is a simple language for programming the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT product. The NXT has a bytecode interpreter (provided by LEGO), which can be used to execute programs. The NXC compiler translates a source program into NXT bytecodes, which can then be executed on the target itself. NXC_tutorial.pdf (application/pdf Object)

NXC_Guide.pdf (application/pdf Object)