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In Pursuit of a Dream Official Movie Site. Home. This web site is brought to you by teachers Michael Trinklein and Steven Boettcher, creators of The Oregon Trail, the award-winning documentary film which aired nationally on PBS. During the three years we spent researching the film, we found lots of great material we thought would be great for teachers and home schoolers--so we built this this site to make it all available. Enjoy the adventure! Copyright c. 2012 by Boettcher+Trinklein Inc. All the articles on this site were written by Michael Trinklein. Contact us at The Oregon Trail | Oregon. The Oregon-Trail. Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) - Oregon Trail History.

Oregon Trail History. The Oregon Trail byTodd Underwood The Oregon Trail migration, more correctly known as the Oregon-California Trail migration, is one of the most important events in American History. The Oregon-California trail was a 2,170 mile route from Missouri to Oregon and California that enabled the migrating of the early pioneers to the western United States. The first emigrants to make the trip were Marcus and Narcissa Whitman who made the trip in 1836. However, the first mass migration did not occur until 1843 when approximately 1000 pioneers made the journey at one time. This trail was the only feasible land route for settlers to get to the West Coast. In the early Spring, emigrant campers would infiltrate Independence, Missouri and set up camp, waiting for the grass to grow along the Oregon Trail.

Most settlers traveled in farm wagons, four feet by ten feet, with a thousand pounds of food. There were many accidents along the way including being run over by the wagons which meant certain death. The Oregon Trail: 1843 Map. Oregon%20Tral%20map.