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The People Behind the Paper.lis » How to Make Twitter Work for Your Business: Part 1. New to Twitter and wondering what to do?

The People Behind the Paper.lis » How to Make Twitter Work for Your Business: Part 1

Tweeting, but no one’s replying? Putting loads of effort into marketing, but no one cares? You’re definitely not alone. I don’t aspire to a large Twitter following, but I wanted to enjoy more conversation and not feel like the lonely kid at the edge of the playground… I decided to get advice from Keith Keller, founder of Global Social Media Coaching, who specialises in teaching businesses, entrepreneurs and creative professionals how to engage on Twitter. I heard about Keith when I interviewed Natasha Younge. Keith agreed to share his expertise in a two-part series.

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Why Midsize Businesses Must Listen To Negative Comments. A very common concern for midsize businesses as they get deeper into social media and other community building programs is negative comments.

Why Midsize Businesses Must Listen To Negative Comments

7 Reasons Why Women Make Natural Network Marketers. What Advantages Do Women in Network Marketing Have? Good question! According to the Direct Selling Association about 82% of network marketers are women. Is that surprising? No, not really. When you really think about it then it actually makes a lot of sense. Well, they do have some advantages over their male counterparts. I’m sure there are quite a few more… This is probably the number one reason why there are so many women in network marketing. Women are natural nurturers. Network marketing is a people business. Women share information all the time. Network marketing offers and equal playing field for men and women.

Women are great multi-taskers. Women want security for their families. So, there you have them, the 7 advantages women in network marketing have over men. If you can think of any more, please share them with us below in the comment box. 12 Principles Of Social Media Marketing. Social media marketing is changing the marketing landscape so fast that companies are struggling to adapt their strategies and tactics.

12 Principles Of Social Media Marketing

What worked in 2001 or even last year is becoming less and less effective. Planning to publish a PR article in six months with traditional print media could mean completely missing the marketing window of opportunity. Booking bus or outdoor advertising takes time you might not have and not be able to measure. So what are some key elements you need to keep in mind to market on a social web? 1. Social Media Organization Tools Boost ResultsEdmund Lee. Over 1 in 3 B2Bs have no Social Media Marketing plan. A recent Eloqua study of over 500 B2B companies revealed that 36% do not use social media for marketing.

Over 1 in 3 B2Bs have no Social Media Marketing plan

It also asked what the companies expect from social media, and which new tools they plan to use in the future... We know the power of social media in creating brand awareness, but are companies using it to drive demand generation as well? This 2012 survey by Eloqua investigated how B2B marketers use social media to promote, engage and sell. [view in infographic form] When Does Blocking Become Anti-social on Pinterest and Twitter? I’m often asked about the privacy of using social media.

When Does Blocking Become Anti-social on Pinterest and Twitter?

The question usually goes something like this: “If I have a friend or acquaintance who I’d prefer didn’t see my posts, should I just block them?” I always respond with the statement, “Most social media is public.” I say most, because Facebook is definitely more of a private network, and it’s very easy to even be friends with someone without showing them all of your information and posts.

But on Pinterest and Twitter? So, why block someone on Pinterest or Twitter? Listly - Lists made easy + social + fun! - Listly. 7 Deadly Social Media Posting Sins You Need To Avoid. A lot of businesses are posting day after day, with absolutely no idea that they are publishing the worst kinds of posts on their social pages.

7 Deadly Social Media Posting Sins You Need To Avoid

These posts make people cringe, drive fans away or worse – they bore people to death. If your business is guilty of one of these 7 deadly sins of social media posting, then you need to correct it now! #1: Lusting To Sell More To Your Fans If nearly all of your posts try to sell your fans something, then you’re guilty of lusting after their money. You’re also guilty of making the #1 mistake in social media – direct selling, instead of letting your reputation, knowledge and community sell for you. .

#2: Being Gluttonous About Information. 3 Social Media Mistakes that Make You Look Like a Rookie. Poker is a game of skill, chance, and luck.

3 Social Media Mistakes that Make You Look Like a Rookie

The key element that sets it apart is the ability to bluff your opponents, regardless of the cards you're dealt. So you're not always playing the cards in your hand. Smart Ways to Use Social Media in Marketing. Note: This is a guest article by Kate Ford.

Smart Ways to Use Social Media in Marketing

More details about her after the post. Social media marketing is a very effective way to bring awareness of your product and its services to customers, to show your company profile. It helps to reach your target customers on the market and it is the easiest way to engage with customers and have constant interaction. How to Optimize Your Website for Social Media. Note: This is a guest article by B.

How to Optimize Your Website for Social Media

Lyttle. More details about her after the post. Btw, co-authored by me, A.R.Karthick in part as well! With the Internet industry evolving like never before, many webmasters are constantly on a lookout to find loopholes in the system. They invest their time and efforts in finding their way to manipulate the SERPs by shrewd tactics. 3 tips for teaching your employees to use social media. Your Social Media Image. What is your image on social media? Are you seen as a savvy businessperson or perhaps a partier? Do you know what you post online, both business and personal, helps shape your image? What brings me to this topic today come out of a discussion in our Sunday School class this past Sunday. Social Media: What You Need To Know « The Marketing Blog of Clayman Marketing Communications. Over the last year, the number of questions we have been getting about social media has been steadily increasing.

Social Media: What You Need To Know « The Marketing Blog of Clayman Marketing Communications

A lot of companies who have not yet jumped full throttle into the online world are feeling pressured to do so simply because social media has become such an omnipresent part of our lives, both business and personal. They are feeling like 2013 should be the year that they “start doing social media,” but saying that and understanding exactly what that means are two different things. Social Media Policy: Setting Up the Appropriate Model. According to a report by eMarketer, 4 out of every 5 computer users use social media platforms actively. Under such an influence, it is quite easy to depict the scene of requirement of a social media policy inside an organization, even though some of these organizations may never have considered social media within their direct working parameter. Photo: Why NOT a policy? As per the data from MarketingProfs, 35% companies still don’t have any written social media policy in practice.

Another interesting report from Online Marketing Institute reveals that on being asked “Why NOT”, 25% of the respondents answered that they are not sure about what to include. 5 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Productivity. Why You Can’t Find A Viable Candidate For Your Social Media Marketing Position. DIY: How To Make A Free Social Media Monitoring Dashboard. Social Listening At The Speed Of Now! IMPORTANT UPDATE: This post refers to using Google Reader, and as you might know Google has discontinued that service. There are LOTS of other RSS Readers. You can find plenty of great free RSS Readers easily.

In case you don’t have one you like, the two I use most often, and suggest as a substitute, are Feedly and InoReader. The following SlideShare is a step-by-step do it yourself social media listening dashboard, and it’s free.