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Top 10 Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Annoyances You Can Fix Right Now. It's also a little narcissistic to decide that YOU (not you, WRS, but you as in any social media user) get to decide what everyone is or is not allowed to post, or risk being defriended by you.

Top 10 Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Annoyances You Can Fix Right Now

And to assume that YOU are so much more tolerable, or worth tolerating, than the next person. Nobody has ever defriended me without first posting many things that I thought were either offensive or excessive, but I chose to overlook it for the sake of the stronger points of our relationship and the bonds that we shared. So whenever someone defriended me over a political post, that indicated they were less invested in the friendship than I was, meaning I'm better off without continuing the friendship in real life. I never take it to mean that my error was in my posting, but I do take it to mean that I erred in counting them as my friend. 5 tips to engage your facebook fansAssist Social Media.

10 Marketing PR Mistakes to Avoid For Your Facebook Page. Facebook is a great marketing and PR medium where you could build brand loyalty among your customers and prospects constantly.

10 Marketing PR Mistakes to Avoid For Your Facebook Page

However, it is also a place where you could destroy your brand unintentionally. Hence, be aware of these 10 common marketing mistakes while marketing your business Facebook Page.