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5 Awesome Things You Can Do With an IPad and an LCD Projector. Web 2.0 for the Under 13s crowd. Jul 05 As I lamented in my last post, many of the fabulous Web tools out there are restricted to users 13 and over. This limits what Elementary/Primary schools students can access online to create content to collaborate.

To save others at school some time, then, I have compiled a list of popular/well known Web tools that can and can’t be used by children under 13 – 1), so we are legally covered in what we are allowing our students to use and 2), so they know what is available. Please note that generally the sites that allow for under 13s still ask for parental permission ( even Edmodo if you haven’t read the Terms of Use) so a solid school user agreement is needed to use these tools. Some of the sites are not US based so are not bound by COPPA and CIPA regulations. It still requires schools to carefully check out what can be viewed on these sites to ensure they are appropriate to access. Contact sites if you are unclear what their policies are saying. 5 Fun Online Games that Disguise Important Lessons. Of all the impact education technology can have in the classroom, it is at its most powerful when students are enjoying themselves so much they don’t even realize they are learning!

These brilliant online games each help students learn about important new skills, issues or ideas, but they are guaranteed to enjoy themselves at the same time! 1. Immune Attack An incredibly exciting and addictive game from the Federation of American Scientists, which students will never want to stop playing! 2. This great game (along with the many others hosted free on the same website) teaches students to use logic and reason to solve a problem about a mix up with pet adoption. A particularly useful feature of the site for teachers is that the puzzles can be printed off as worksheets, making them a great classroom activity whether computers are available or not. 3. This fun, free site boasts a simple but brilliant idea – it turns famous landmarks from around the world into jigsaw puzzles. 4. 5.