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Photo by khadigarehab. Eyeliner Week: Tightlining & Painted Ladies. By Sheila And now a technique that is very closely related to yesterday’s waterlining tutorial. Although the two techniques are often confused, there is definitely a big difference between lining your waterline and tightlining. With tightlining, what you are doing is targeting the area between your lashes in order to enhance your lashes and make them look more lush. It’s a very targeted technique as opposed to lining your waterline, which is covering the entire area with liner. You can use a pencil or powder for tightlining, but I prefer to use a gel liner. In this example, I’m using a Stila Smudge Pot in Black with a very, very thin brush. The brush is a no-name one I picked up somewhere along the way, but I would recommend MAC’s #210 brush as well. Ready? What you are doing with tightlining is pushing the liner right in between your lashes.

Here’s a little diagram to help you visualize the technique. Don’t ever claim that I’m not dedicated with these photos. ‘Scuze the spider lashes. Home Beauty Tips - 75 Timeless Beauty Tricks - Womans Day. The Digi Nails - A Hybrid Manicure & The Hybrid Chick. I’ve been seeing lots of outrageous nail art lately on pinterest. One hot new product that’s really caught my eye is adhesive nail polish strips.

I love the funky designs and bold colors with these products, but they’re usually a little spendy for me. I have a great alternative and I’m super-excited to share with you a really fun, new way to use digital scrapbooking supplies! We are going to give ourselves a little hybrid manicure. To begin with, you will need the following: light color nail polish (white, light pink, cream, pale green, light turquoise, you get the idea….)rubbing alcoholsmall cup (I used a medicine cup.)digital supplies (laser print or copy)nail polish topcoat 1) Before getting started, quickly measure your fingernails. 2) Open a new Photoshop document and create for yourself 10-15 boxes that are a little larger than your nails. 3) Find some great papers that you’d like to have on your nails. 4) Print your page. 5) Paint your nails with your light colored nail polish.

Makeup Mon...errr Tuesday: Green Eyes. First, I know it's Tuesday and I'm predictably late with Makeup Monday. I hope the lack of alliteration doesn't detract from the post; I promise that I have lots of great excuses for not putting this up yesterday. Or, I fell asleep. One of my first forays into the wonderful world of bright eyeshadow was with a beautiful shade of green from Milani (whose older shadows were amazing), and I was forever hooked. Green has since become the most popular color in my rather large makeup collection, though I can't remember the last time I gave them a proper spotlight. For this look, I only used the dark green in the palette, Libertine, and the primer potion. For step by step instructions on how to achieve this look, continue reading after the jump! This will make the colors pop and keep them from creasing. I used the MAC 213 brush with UD Vert e/s, but you can use any comparable brush and bright green shadow. I used the MAC 275 brush and UD Libertine from the black palette.

- StumbleUpon. How-To: Instant Nail Arts - Do Yourself | ~She Exists~ | to Add Colors in Life. How to Apply Liquid Eyeliner - How to Apply Red Lipstick at - Womans Day. We asked what intimidates you most about beauty, and you answered: wearing red lipstick, committing to a new hairstyle, waxing your legs, wearing false eyelashes and applying liquid eyeliner. But don’t fear: Follow our step-by-step guides, and you’ll learn how to get each look right. 1. Red Lipstick “I shy away from red lipstick because I’m afraid it’s too flashy and will make me look like a clown.” —Kielin Greeley, 40, Tenafly, NJ If you’re used to wearing muted colors, a rich, saturated red may seem too bold for anything but special occasions.

But red lipstick is weekday-wearable, says Poppy King, founder of Lipstick Queen Cosmetics. Application Tip“Paint on color with a lipbrush,” suggests King. A handy guide to choosing the red that complements your skin tone: Light Skin: Cool blue-based reds like Maybelline New York Color Sensational Lipcolor in Red Revival ($7.49; at drugstores) will enhance your rosy complexion. 2. Avoid a hair “don’t” by speaking your stylist’s language. 3. Her Tips: