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Por qué estudiar para Abogado. Porque estudiar Derecho,Perfil de un buen Abogado : Un abogado es aquel profesional que tiene como finalidad defender el valor de la justicia. Es quien asesora a otras personas en temas legales o las representa para defender sus derechos o reclamos ante un tribunal de justicia. Para ser un abogado es necesario estudiar la carrera profesional de Derecho y pertenecer al Colegio de Abogados. Pero, ¿qué es el Derecho? Las personas que desean ser abogados deben tener un gran interés por analizar la conducta humana y ayudar a los individuos a resolver sus problemas de convivencia. Todo buen abogado deberá tener un gran conocimiento por las normas que regulan la sociedad. Una de las principales razones por las que muchos jóvenes deciden ser abogados es porque desean hacer respetar sus derechos, los de sus parientes y amigos. Los abogados también pueden desempeñarse como docentes universitarios, trabajar en ONGs, entidades financieras, etc.

Image: Paul / QS World University Rankings - Topuniversities.

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Top 10 things to do before high school ends - by Eric Goudie. Eric Goudie's image for: "Top 10 Things to do before High School Ends" Caption: Location: Image by: High School is a brief time, but it's filled with some of the highest highs and lowest lows you'll ever experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. College Admissions 101 - Step by Step Help for College Admissions. College apps season can be a stressful and emotional time for families - and yes, the paperwork is beastly - but by the time you're done reading these articles, your family will be crafting a list of 20 to 30 great college possibilities, perfectly tailored to your child's passions. Take a peek at the step-by-step process on the following pages, or sign up for "College Admissions 101: An E-Course for Parents" and get each part e-mailed to you over the next six weeks.

Let's Get Started It's easy to feel overwhelmed, but the college admissions process is nothing more than a series of little chunks, some of which your child is already doing anyway. Here's the basic overview of how the process works, from high school courses to SAT timing and application deadlines. 3 OF MY CAREER ASSESSMENT LINKS THAT WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR CHOICES « The Career Closet. In my current job, I run into a lot of students that not only do not know what they want to do, but they don’t know what they’re even good at, or what would fit them. Certainly your job is to do some research, gather some information and then check everything out that interests you. Get some help by reading my past posts that I’ve had that can help you in THREE great ways to choosing the right career. There is a lot of pressure on you because these are some of the first major decisions of your lifetime! Don’t worry there are plenty more of these kind of decisions for you for the rest of your life. :) But check out the next 3 links to past posts I have.

They are 3 steps for you to take in mapping your Journey to choosing the correct careers. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: -This post is an article I found from a little while ago. Speaking of which… Where do you stand? PART 3: PERSONALITIES « The Career Closet. Okay, part 3 is crucial for you to understand. Imagine if you are a talkative person who loves being around people. Well, let’s say you hear that being an Accountant or Engineer pays good money, but in those jobs you might be required to work on your own and always doing the same kind of work. That doesn’t fit your talkative people-person personality, does it? That’s the goal with this section. Take a look at each color below and measure your own personality.

In other words, let’s say your a Green personality. You certainly can choose more than 1 color. If you recognize personality traits under every color, that’s fine. Find the career that fits your personality type! So, below is a list of potential careers/jobs that go along with each of the colors above. Red personality types are good at: Business Administration, Marketing, Graphic design, Advertising, Consulting, Sales, Customer Service, Retail, Human Resources, etc.

Like this: Like Loading... PART 2: WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT? SKILLS AND TALENTS FOR CAREERS « The Career Closet. Now that you’ve successfully completed Part 1 @ The 2nd step of this 4 part series is now looking at the skills and talents that you all have. This next step will take you closer to choosing careers that fit you so well & will make you financially and professionally successful! President Barack Obama said during his education speech that “Every single one of you has something that you’re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer.” It is your job to figure out what your good at, but here’s how I can help: You‘ve all heard the saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Think about those skills that you have. Do not tie this to a specific job or career, think about your skills and talents in general because that will help you to draw your own pathway and start your journey to professional success, financial awesomeness and personal fulfillment!

What are you good at? ***This can be difficult. Think about your whole week. What have you heard? Part 1: WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO? « The Career Closet. A CAREER is a lifelong commitment. Like getting married or having children, it makes a lasting effect on your entire life, personally and professionally. A job is just a set of duties and responsibilities in order to get paid. But choosing a CAREER requires some serious thinking and decision-making but you’re not alone. There are a lot of teenagers I meet everyday, even in March or April of their Senior year and they don’t know what they want to do. Please understand one thing before you begin: ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS! Don’t even think about the college or university that you’d LIKE attend. Having those preconceived thoughts will greatly hinder your opportunity to make the right choices and will stop the chances for you to think ENTIRELY for yourself.

Focus on YOU and YOU alone. So take some time (about 30 minutes each) either now or very soon…to seriously consider the following steps in order to choose the best CAREER for you: What is it that you like to do? What do you like in general? College Girl Beauty, Fashion, & Fun Blog! Every College Girl. SUMMER BREAK FROM COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL IS ON THE HORIZON « The Career Closet. That’s what it’s all about right… We work hard all year and for couple or a few times a year we get away from it all. This is one of my favorite posts, because I truly believe that the earlier you start your career/college search, the easier it is. Think about this…the more you understand what you like (and even what you don’t like), what you are good at and your own personality…your choice in careers comes easier. You realize certain things that you can do. Take, for instance, the ability to draw, or write. Many of you do this as a hobby, or maybe out of boredom. Many of you know you’re good, but many of you may shrug it off, right?

This might lead to a potential career in advertising, graphic design, marketing, fashion/interior design, or other creative-focused careers that are available. Those of you in college or high school reading this might be thinking of the several weeks of no school. Summer vacation… Well enjoy your summertime when it gets here. High school courses DO help… TCSH Back to School Collection!! |The College Survival Handbook. A+ Options for B Students | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges. How to Apply: Office of Admissions: Indiana University Bloomington.

Loyola University New Orleans. Learn ESL: Advanced Tips for Studying Effectively Video. Studying effectively can go a long way towards helping your grades and saving you unnecessary work. This video from will offer some tips on studying effectively.See Transcript Hello, I'm V. Victoria Shroff in Vancouver, B.C., for In this video, you'll receive tips for how to study effectively.

Studying begins in class. You need to be alert, well rested and paying attention to the teacher at all times. Take good notes while you are in class. Tips for Reading and Writing Find a topic that you are interested in and begin reading. For both reading and writing, have a dictionary handy at all times. Before you set out to write ask yourself "what is the purpose of this writing? Understanding what you read and then writing about it is a good way to study a new topic. Create a Good Studying Environment Why does your environment really matter?

Don't try to study in crowded areas or with chatty friends. Effective Study Routine Create a study routine. Highlighting and Condensing. THE COLLEGE I APPLIED TO JUST SENT ME A FACEBOOK FRIEND REQUEST!? « The Career Closet. …what now? In my job as a college recruiter here in Indiana, I am constantly asked about social networking sites and if college recruiters and job recruiters really do look or if that’s a myth.

Well, sorry to say guys, but they do. The use of social networking sites in checking out your interests, background, etc. is growing. It’s not to get you in trouble or make you nervous. If you have anything to be worried about in this manner, go take care of it now. (Open it in a new window…so you don’t lose this one…:)) Don’t worry, I’ll still be here. Make sure you make the necessary adjustments. It’s true, now what do you do? But clean it up and make sure anything that you wouldn’t want certain people to see is removed or remain private. Who’s doing it?

…scholarship committees, job recruiters, college recruiters, college admissions reps, sports recruiters, internship coordinators, etc. What about us? It’s nice to have a social site for all your friends, family and whoever else to see. 1. 2.